When the couple plans to replenish the family, it is set for an imminent pregnancy - within the next month or two. Doctors hold a different opinion: a healthy couple should conceive within a year. Such a term seems to many to be too long. How to reduce it? You can advise men to improve sperm quality. Such nutrition, combined with other measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for spermatogenesis, will increase the likelihood of conception.

What foods affect sperm fertility?

Medical statistics show that a change in diet and lifestyle can significantly increase fertility (the ability of a man's sperm to impregnate an egg). In an organism all is interconnected: a wrong food stresses in aggregate with alcohol and a sedentary way of life negatively affects man's health. In this regard, a man who wants to become a father, it is advisable to switch to a new menu.

List including products that increase sperm motility

Vegetables, greens, and fruits:

1. Nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews and others). Contain a lot of zinc, responsible for the production of sperm and testosterone levels. It is desirable for a man to eat a handful of nuts every day as a snack or adding to different dishes.

2. Bananas. In their composition, a large number of B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and vitamins A and C have been found. In the complex, they positively influence the hormonal background and the production of healthy sperm.

3. Garlic and greens. It is this combination that gives the body the man the necessary amount of vitamin B6, as well as selenium - a microelement that affects the structure of spermatozoa. Generously flavoring herbs with garlic favorite dishes, representatives of the stronger sex can increase libido, improve blood circulation (including in the scrotum) and adjust the testosterone level.

4. Avocado. It has a lot of vitamin E, which increases the mobility of male sex cells, their probability of penetration into the egg and fertilization. As is known, spermatozoa reach the female sexual cell in about a day, encountering in their way many obstacles (acidic environment of the vagina, mucous plug, etc.). The higher the quality of the seminal fluid, the greater the capacity for conception in men.

5. Apples. Juicy, vitamin-rich fruits help to produce enough sperm.

6. Tomatoes. Regularly eating vegetables in any form, you can improve the amount of sperm. Especially useful are tomatoes for men who smoke or live in an unfavorable ecological situation. Contained in the peel of tomatoes, lycopene neutralizes free radicals and improves the condition of small vessels and capillaries, which is important for the production of semen.

7. Pumpkin seeds. An accessible and tasty vegetable product, in which there is a lot of zinc, which influences the production of testosterone. In seeds, there is also a large amount of vitamin E and omega-3 acids, which contribute to an active influx of blood to the genitals and the production of sperm of good quality. To consume this product is necessary by a certain rule, namely - between meals, not mixing with other dishes.

8. Garnet. It will help men who are in a state of chronic stress, have a reduced sexual desire and, as a consequence, a seminal fluid with infertile or weak spermatozoa.

9. Animal protein foods and products for improving the quality of sperm

The first place in the list is occupied by oysters. This seafood has a multifaceted positive effect on the male organism: it strengthens the erection, increases the number of active spermatozoa, increases testosterone and sexual activity. It is enough to eat 15 g of oysters to ensure good fertility.

1. Redfish and seafood. Dishes with them will be rich in non-fatty acids that improve the condition of the vessels, and protein - the building material for spermatozoa. Use fish at least three times a week, replacing it with fatty and heavy meat.

2. Chicken meat, rabbit, and veal. Also rich in protein, necessary for men to produce quality sperm. Supplement the meat menu can be low-fat varieties of beef and young lamb.

3. Dairy products. The best are hard cheese, home-made cottage cheese, low-fat milk (in case the body tolerates it well).

4. Chicken eggs. They contain not only protein but all the substances necessary for the body of the man. Regular consumption of the product is used for producing the right amount of sperm with viable spermatozoa. At the same time, a diet with a large number of eggs should not be taken up - they raise the level of cholesterol, which negatively affects the health status.

Author's Bio: 

Name – Harpreet Singh Nagi

Current Affiliation - Health Research Scholar and Medical Blogger.
I keep on writing health-related topics and publish it.

Date of birth - 23rd June

Hobbies - Listening to music, Watching & Playing Football.

Website- https://www.morpheusivf.com/

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/morpheusivf/

Email – harpreet.clinicspots@gmail.com