There are countless ways to earn an internet income but many of these money making business opportunities do not last! The fact of the matter is that in order to develop a long term income online you'll need to do more than just make product offers!

Here are 3 vitally important areas any internet entrepreneur will need to address if developing a long term income is their goal!


Getting yourself seen and heard after establishing an online presence be it a website or blog is the first step you'll need to take! When developing a money making business, especially on the internet, you'll want to increase your exposure as much as possible so people can become familiar with you! Of course the more visibility you gain online, the more traffic you can expect to visit your site! The bottom line here is that marketing, branding and sales are all dependent upon maintaining a high profile within your niche!


When people visit your site the recommended strategy is to capture their contact information! This allows you to keep in contact with them using email however your first priority should be to commence building relationships with them! Now many marketers understandably want to IMMEDIATELY begin making product offers since this is how they make money! On the other hand however by taking the time to develop a relationship you'll only make your selling efforts easier in the future! With a little patience and the willingness to cultivate relationships, a marketer is better able to develop a long term income for themselves! By promoting to people right away may result in a few sales but will also cause many people to unsubscribe from your list! Remember people are more interested in how they can benefit by being on your list, and being asked to spend money on your product offers is NOT what they had in mind!


Having a reputable image when is of the utmost importance online since people must trust you to spend their money on any product offers! This typically involves developing an image that reflects both reliability and accountability along with a willingness to freely help others! Similar to building relationships, developing a positive reputation requires both time and effort but this is NOT to say it is difficult to do! If you have the willingness to carefully craft a reputation people will respect and trust, you can build yourself a long term income working on the internet!

Earning an internet income is not too difficult to do however building a money making business that lasts involves more than making product offers! In order to really develop a long term income on the other hand requires patience and diligence in the 3 areas reviewed above! Trust, exposure and of course developing a respectable reputation are all key elements to building any money making business! So for any aspiring online marketers, if a reliable income is your goal, your attention to the 3 areas discussed above is what is needed!

Author's Bio: 

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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