Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Also known as Deus Ex, Is the third game Series role-playing game. First Person Shooter Deus Ex is prequel of Deus Ex. It was developed by Eidos Montreal.Warren Spector and Harvey Smith, The creative directors of the first two games, do not participate in the project.


In games of the series, the improvements are tangible changes that allow the user to superhuman feats. While improvements in the first two games were Nanotech, Human Revolution happens before and has both mechanical improvements. These are divided into four types: Combat, Stealth, Technology and Social. Using social skills, social augmentations, and stealth to player is Able to play-through the whole game killing only the bosses.

Each squad has a leader identifiable enemy who will direct the group's actions. If the leader is eliminated, the squad is in disarray. The enemies will react to the player's decisions to change their behavior and their weapons .

Unlike Invisible War, Guns shoot different types of ammo instead of feeding all of a common charger. The weapons can be improved to benefit the player.


The game takes place during the year 2027, 25 years before Deus Ex. Nanotechnological improvements have not yet been developed, with biomechanics technology to rise. The main character, Adam Jensen, a security guard in Sarif Industries, a leading company specializing in these improvements. After witnessing a terrifying attack on his company that lets you horribly injured and forced to undergo an operation to improve survival, "the conspiracy begins" . The visual aspect of the game is a combination of aesthetic cyberpunk and Renaissance, resulting in a Baroque-futuristic world.

The player will visit five cities during the game, including Detroit, Shanghai and Montreal. Additionally, the player will have his own apartment where you can keep secrets and information obtained. The events in this game lead to the formation of UNATCO the original game.


Human Revolution dealing with ethics of Trans humanism carries an important message about humanity encompassing more than it can chew. "Humanity uses mechanical improvements," said director Jean-Francois Dugas before launching the game, "but there is still much more to be determined in terms of their effects on society and the final direction in which they guide us

Technological development is reflected visually on a theme Renaissance. Characters that support advances in the development of human dress and decorate their homes with a reinterpretation of post-medieval Italian style, and the game itself has a sepia palette reminiscent of historical manuscripts. In contrast, characters who are opposed to the improvements are more or less in contemporary clothing.

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