Although a great deal has been written regarding financial freedom and independence, it seems people find it difficult to fully comprehend the true meaning. Typically people connect wealth with riches and fundamentally assume financial freedom dictates possessing money able to purchase anything they desire.

According to Webster’s dictionary, ‘wealth’ is defined as:
“people who have an abundance of material possessions”
It does not say:
“people who have an abundance of material possessions that are paid for”!

Today’s idea of acquiring material possessions usually means having to be in debt or using debt to acquire it. Actually, people who have high standard of living seldom have a lot of money very limited investments, with no credible assets, and making it a priority to gain more possessions of a material nature instead of establishing financial independence. A fervent desire to gain instant gratifications leaves them with no emergency fund to access, no planning for retirements and much stress mentally and physically.

Chronic stress and anxiety is amassed by people placing themselves in staggering debt. Physical ailments and poor health often results from the mental burden in handling this stress, often seeing no way out from their inability in not being able to control their lives and expenses. As a result of this, major incomprehensible debt can create an unhealthy and unhappy living environment.

Still, there is a way out and it comes down to goals, values and priorities. However, one has to be in a position where you can see things clearer and you are ready to begin living your plan for living simply and happy.

Giving you some financial help to achieve the financial independence you desire, some key steps and major milestones that will enable you to become debt free need to be established. It takes commitment, discipline and planning.

Taking the time and effort required for transforming debt into wealth will encourage you to accomplish things you want to do for a happier and fulfilled life.

The major steps to financial freedom are:
- Paying yourself first from your wages before paying anything else
- Preparing for emergencies i.e. Vehicle repairs or replacing appliances etc.
- Paying of existing debt within a certain time period of time
- Planning for a 3 to 6 month crisis for in the event that you are unable to work
- Preparing for college expenses early if you have children
- Building wealth by making wise investment choices
- And in some instances possibly starting a business of your own

Establishing a long-term plan for financial happiness will mean you need to examine each of these steps to financial freedom in detail. The outcome will be much easier to achieve if you approach this process with a positive mental attitude.

This will take some time, and remember you didn’t get to where you are now, overnight. Just like gaining weight, usually not doing anything about it, when you wake up one day and realize you’re suddenly 30 or 40 pounds overweight. And you wonder how did it happen? It happened one day at a time.

Debt happens one purchase at a time…

If you would like to Read more about becoming Financially Free go to

Author's Bio: 

Deon Hoffmann, Owner of Womens Lifestyle Publications has an Aim in Life, to Inspire a New Resolve for Balance, Energy & Focus in Your Life today.