Intrusive thoughts are normal things which occur as a reaction to certain internal or external distractor. What is, formerly, a natural reaction can cause unwanted distraction and be really confusing at a certain point; however, moving past these thoughts is a harsh challenge for some people and even leads to psychological disorders. Unless you are at a stage when you need the help of a mental health therapist, you can proceed reading and get over this issue.

1. Understanding the term
Disturbing thoughts are suggested to come out of nowhere and have a violent or past traumatic content. They are not restricted by these two categories, but they are generally focused on something negative and doubtful. They pop up of nothing and cause significant distress. Say, you want to pierce your eye with the pen you are holding, or suddenly want to roll your eyes over with some intention. Another great example is any kind of sexually contented thought like suddenly kissing the person you are talking to. The moment you realize your thoughts and that they are improper drives you crazy.

2. Meeting your intrusive thoughts
Many people experience them and having one doesn’t make you a bad or a dangerous individual; nevertheless, it makes you feel uncomfortable or guilty, and we try to ignore them at first place. It is not a good idea. Suppressing a disturbing thought makes you unhealthily obsessed with it. The proper choice is to acknowledge it. Begin to observe the thought and determine the content.

3. Facing disturbing thoughts on paper
Writing them down makes a whole difference because you will respond to them differently if they are not in your head at the moment. It also helps to reduce the frequency of their occurrence because writing is an action. Try to answer yourself questions about a particular thought. Do you find the action suggested by the thought disturbing or the thought itself? Does it go within the frame of a taboo? Keep track of the number of occurrences, make a tally. It is vital to determine what triggers the thought. Although it pops up unpredictably, there is a pattern in your behavior which lies behind the reason. Define what you do after you experience one. Do you ignore it or think about it in more detail, or maybe you share it with somebody close enough?

4. Where the thought originates from?
The previous paragraph is the starting point to trace the origin of each thought. Try to identify where and when you have had it for the first time. Some of them have clear references to the place or the event. Maybe your first thought of cutting your hair off when doing a keratin treatment in NYC, and that’s how you’ve ended being obsessed with a short haircut. It makes you understand that they had no obsessive content at first, but were just a way your brain tried to figure things out. How would you look with a short haircut? Nothing is bad at all. The same is about sexual thoughts. They turn out to be repulsive because your brain figures out what a certain act is. Realizing you may hurt somebody with an action makes you stop thinking about it.

When you are genuinely aware of what your thoughts are, they won’t seem harmful. Now you can try to distract yourself from them and move past them. Pick up a hobby which excludes the usual triggers or exercise when you start being obsessed. Any unrelated action helps to relieve the tension.

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Author's Bio: 

Hey! I`m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London ) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites.
Also, I`m interested in traveling, and my dreams is to travel around the whole globe. I`ve already been to Norway, France, German, Poland, and Morocco. Next time I want to visit India.
I`m going to write a book about my adventures in different countries.