If you’re bone tired and pocket-dry of spending big bucks on ads that generate meek responses, if you need to find a foolproof method to turbo charge your sales, then, it’s about time you started looking at a powerful marketing tool: customer video testimonials.

In the past year, video marketing has become a powerful force in internet selling. Websites like YouTube and MySpace are among the top 5 most visited websites on the internet. Browse through highly successful marketing websites and you will see that each of them have streaming video content. Most of these videos feature client testimonials.

Every customer wants to know what your product can give them, and why they should buy from you and not from say, XYZ Company. Customer video testimonials are extremely persuasive to potential clients. Here are a few reasons why you need to put a customer video testimonial on your website NOW!

Real life example: Customer video testimonials show how your particular product has helped an ordinary individual (someone your customer identifies with). Since the evidence is there for your prospects to see, they are easily convinced. So, they are able to make up their minds faster.

Curiosity factor: Most people are curious about what others have to say. They are also quite interested in the personal experiences of others. So, more than 78% of the people who visit your website will view your video, even if it’s only to hear what others have to say.

Improves credibility: Customer video testimonials consist of opinions and experiences that come from the heart. When a customer explains how your product helped them live a better and happier life, others feel predisposed to believing you and your product. Before they make a buying decision, prospects need to feel they can trust you 100%.

Advertises without looking like an ad: Customer testimonials, particularly on video, are one of the best ad campaigns you can make. Unlike pushy ads, customer testimonials are gently persuasive. They don’t ask the viewer to buy. They only elaborate the useful features and benefits of a product. So, they do a very good job of marketing your product without actually seeming to do so.

Get your sales message across without being pushy: Your customer testimonials will reflect your sales points in their best light. Thus, they reinforce your sales message quite effectively. But what makes them so powerful is that they do all this without appearing pushy. In fact, video testimonials almost have an altruistic air about them: they simply show how you have helped countless others to find an effective solution!

Customer video testimonials are beyond doubt one of your most powerful marketing tools. Wondering how to do them? Don’t have the kind of testimonials that help? Never mind. Just leave it to a team of experts and they will do the rest!

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video testimonials - put your best customers on your website, talking in real terms about their personal, positive experiences with your company. Our videos are extraordinarily effective, efficient, and affordable!