The world is full of opinions and everyone is entitled to an opinion and in any scenario everyone is found to opine if provided an opportunity to review anything. Literary critique is a common thing in the literary world where there are numerous writers competing for the attention of the readers. Article critique writing helps both the readership as well as the author of the literary pieces. Firstly, through article critique writing the author is able to rectify his or her work and raise its standing in the literary world, and this enables better writing standards and quality of scholarly work to be attained. On the other, hand article critique writing helps the readers to understand how to identify the shortcomings in literary pieces as well as how to determine whether a piece of scholarly writing is indeed worth while reading or not.
Article critique writing should be done in a systematic way that will enable both the readership and the author to attain value out of the article critique writing exercise. As such article critique writing should be constructive and thoughtful. Criticism should be candid and not offered in fear this is the only way to offer the best and most sincere feedback on any written work. At times some article critique writing is made mild whilst it should not be so, because the critiquing party either fears the response of the author or wants to avoid disappointing the author. This does not constitute good article critique writing, because it does not offer a constructive and true picture of the work’s status.
Constructive article critique writing should have two faces to its presentation. It is not fair to offer an all negative article critique writing unless requested to do so. Neither is it right to offer an all positive article critique writing, because this will give the author a wrong impression of perfection which is not real. Therefore, good article critique writing should have both a positive and negative side. The negative part of article critique writing is meant to highlight the negative aspects of the literary work that the author of the work should be rectified or improved. On the other hand, the positive side of article critique writing should provide a positive feedback that details the strong points of the author of the work. This part of article critique writing is meant to help the author understand the sections where she or he may have gotten it right and keep on doing the same. This part of the article critique writing serves a morale booster to writers.
Another important aspect to consider when doing article critique writing should be the consideration of how you express your critique. While doing article critique writing be careful not refer directly to the author of the work, because this seemingly appears like a direct attack on the author and a critique of the author rather than his or her work. This may make the article critique writing exercise to be disregarded. However, it is prudent to explicitly focus your article critique writing on the literary work and totally avoid touching on any direct issue that may link the article critique writing to the author rather than his or her work. Article critique writing that adheres to these simple principles is highly likely to offer a quality critique that can be constructive to both the readership and the author of the work.

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