There will never be a "magic pill" to cure Cancer. It just simply will not happen. To someone reading this who has cancer or has a loved one with cancer, that may sound very negative. But there is great news to follow so please, read on.

Although there will never be a "magic pill" to cure Cancer the good news is, there is already a cure. Several in fact. The title of this article is "Cure Cancer - 10 ways that work" but instead of 10 single ways to cure cancer or 10 "magic pills" rather I refer to 10 powerful things you can do that done together can and will cure cancer or at least set you on the right course. The cure for cancer is always multifaceted, multiple things that someone does at the same time that together, bring about the cure.

The human body is designed to heal itself. Everyone produces cancer cells in their body on a daily basis. It is just that most peoples immune systems have the resources available to take care of them. People with Cancer have simply reached the stage that their immune system is so overworked that it has no resources left to take care of the cancer.

It is a bit like a bank account, if someone has a bank account that is overflowing with money, they have no problem paying their bills. In fact they may have an "Automatic Payment Program" set up to pay their bills automatically. This is how the immune system works in a healthy body. The immune system has so much energy and resources available that it takes care of infections, viruses, cancer cells and other dis-ease automatically. Now, if a bank account is in "negative balance" there is no money to pay the bills. Someone with a bank account in the negative may even get a visit from a collections agent that comes to say "pay up".

Cancer is a bit like that collections agent. Cancer comes to say "pay up". It is not a "war" or something to be hated. Cancer really comes as a benevolent friend that says "Some things in your life must change".

Like a bank account, if we stop the "drains" (withdrawals) to the account and increase the gains (deposits) the balance goes up until finally it reaches a "positive balance" again and we can pay our bills. It is the same for Cancer and all dis-ease for that matter. If we can stop doing the things that drain our energy and start doing the things that gain us energy we can give the immune system its power back so that over time it too will reach "positive balance" again and be able to clean up the Cancer.

So here are 10 things that done together will cure Cancer. There are 1000s more and what works for one person, will not necessarily work for another. It is important that a person chooses their own cure out of the things that work for them, or that they enjoy.

  1. Do what you love to do - Cancer often comes to say "You are not doing what you love".  If you change your life and start doing some things you love to do, or even make it your career, you will go along way to curing your Cancer.  Cancer doesn't do to well in the bodies of people who are constantly happy.
  2. Let go of your prognosis - "You have 3 months to live" are very powerful words. Doctors should be banned from saying such things. Thousands of people across the world have healed themselves of Cancer after being told these words. You can choose to believe otherwise, it is very important to do so.
  3. Juice Fasting - This is so powerful that it alone can cure Cancer. The key to curing Cancer or anything is to give the body a rest to it can recuperate enough energy to have enough resources available to heal itself. Juice Fasting is a great way to get stacks of nutrients while at the same time giving your digestive system and your body a huge rest.
  4. Lose the Drama - If someone has Cancer, if they are talking about it constantly and using it to get attention, they will keep the Cancer alive. Like the main character in a soap opera, the soap opera can only survive while the character is alive. Remove your focus from the Cancer and focus on your progress. Just your progress. See yourself living in a perfectly healthy body and do your best to stop talking about your Cancer or how fast your tumors are growing etc.
  5. See Cancer as a friend - I know this is a stretch for some, our society in general sees Cancer as an enemy, something to fight against. A fresh perspective is to see Cancer as a friend. A friend that comes into you life to say "Things must change". The people I know who have cured themselves of Cancer are much happier, healthier people than they were before they had cancer. They were transformed by their Cancer.  They are very grateful.
  6. Preserve Energy - Many people with Cancer or any disease for that matter are people who don't know how to say "no".  They are so busy pleasing others that they give all of their time and energy away.  It is imperative that a person with Cancer conserves their energy and as much as possible only does things that make them feel happy and relaxed.
  7. Forgive - Holding grudges rarely hurts the person the grudge is against but always hurts the person "holding" the grudge.  Our language is interesting, we say - "Holding" a grudge.  Someone may be "Holding" a grudge and develop bowel cancer.  They could well be holding the grudge in their bowels.  Cancer comes to say "Forgive, you are only hurting yourself by holding this grudge".
  8. Body Cleansing - Cleaning your liver, bowels and kidneys is an amazing way to give your body some power back.  Their are 100s of recipes and products out there.  Do your own research.  Google "Liver Cleanse Recipes" and the like.  Choose one that you like the sound of.  Do it gently.  Lemon Juice (1/2 Cup) and Olive or Almond oil (1-3 Tablespoons) taken upon rising is a great start.
  9. House Cleanup - Vinegar is all you need to clean a house.  Sodium Bicarbonate is a fantastic underarm deodorant.  These are natural, non-toxic things.  You can easily remove chemicals from your house.  Finding non-toxic replacements is just a google search away in most cases.
  10. Meditation, Yoga, Gardening etc - Find something that calms you, grounds you and connects you to your source, whether it be the source within you, the earth or the sun.

These are just 10 things but there are thousands of things you can do to cure Cancer.  Not one thing alone will cure Cancer but doing a host of things together will.  Choose the things that have the greatest effect for you.  Choose the things that you enjoy.  It may be hard at first, but like a rocket taking off, once you are off the ground it will get easier and easier.

Author's Bio: 

Daniel Coates is a registered Polarity Therapist (RPP), Qualified Rebirther and Sound Healer from Sydney, Australia. In 2005/2006 Daniel travelled for 14 months to places that were curing people of Cancer and other serious diseases using natural methods. Daniel distilled the knowledge gained on this trip into a free Ebook that is available on his web portal