The Pancreatic Islet Transplantation or what is known as the Edmonton Protocol is an experimental procedure that makes use of islets extracted from the pancreas of a recently deceased organ donor.
The process involves the transplant of said islets to a patient suffering from diabetes type 1. The beta cells of these transplanted islets are expected to produce the insulin lacked by the type 1 diabetes patient. This experiment then, hopes to provide the cure for diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes type 1 is that diabetic condition where the beta cells of the pancreas is unable to produce insulin as a result of the attacks launched by the body's immune system. The transplantation of islet therefore is expected to provide a cure for diabetes type 1 patients, which will enable them to live a normal life free from insulin dependence.
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Although the diabetes type 2 condition deals with insulin resistance, it has been noted that the diabetic condition of the patient will also develop to insulin decline or progress later on as diabetes type 1. Many supporters of the Pancreatic Islet Transplantation believe that this will also be a cure for diabetes type 2 to relieve sufferers of their eventual need for insulin injections.
The islets referred to here are the cluster of cells or tissues known in the medical world as Islets of Langerhans. These islets are microscopic and are scattered throughout the pancreas forming part of the endocrine glands. They contain the cells which secret the beta cells that produce the insulin necessary for glucose absorption and any failure of these islets to produce these beta cells lead to diabetes mellitus or type 1 diabetes.
Although clinically promising at first, a 5-year follow-up after the transplantation procedure was made and the results were not as favourable as expected. Only ten percent of the patients remained free of insulin dependence while the rest went back to the use of insulin shots since the transplanted islets eventually lost its ability to produce insulin.
The only benefits that the latter group of patients gained, was their less demand for insulin since the patients were able to achieve glucose stability. Hence, to date, pancreatic transplantation has not gained the medical support as the ultimate cure for diabetes.
It is also believed that the eventual failure of the transplanted islet to produce insulin was also attributed to the body's immune system. The beta cells produced by the transplanted islets were also attacked by the body's immune system. Hence, in the same way that the natural beta cells of the body were impaired, the patient still suffers from diabetes mellitus or diabetes type 1.
Critics say that it was actually a project doomed from the beginning; others pointed out that the root of the insulin impairment problem was the inability of the immune system to recognize insulin beta cells as essential to digestive functions, instead of treating these insulin cells as bacteria.
Perhaps, further experimentations therefore in the search for the elusive cure for diabetes should have more concern in orienting the auto-immune system on how to recognize friendly and non-friendly substances found in the body.
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What are some simple cures for diabetes? This question is Googled numerous times every day by diabetic suffers who are trying to naturally reverse diabetes. And most sufferers realize that their diet is one of the most important parts of the cure!
If you suffer from diabetes, the most important information you should know is that it is extremely important to control your weight and naturally lower your blood sugar level. And you do not have to be taking insulin the rest of your lives to do these 2 things. You can do it with a new diet that is having doctors scratch their heads in disbelief.
Here are 7 simple and effective ways to cure diabetes naturally.
7 Cures for Diabetes
1. Increasing your fruit intake is important for numerous reasons. Fruits have high water soluble dietary fiber which can keep your body flushed. They also have minerals and vitamins that are important for overall health. It is important that you pick low-sugar fruits like apples and oranges.
2. You should also increase your vegetable intake. Vegetables are also high in water soluble fiber but they also are very low in sugar and calories. You should eat as many vegetables a day as you wish (we suggest at least 4 servings).
3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates such as starch and sugar are quickly broken down into glucose during digestion, which is then absorbed into the blood stream. The more carbs you eat, the higher and faster your blood rises. Therefore, you can control your blood sugar level by reducing your carbohydrate intake.
4. Another benefit of consuming fewer carbs is that you will also be consuming fewer calories. And you will actually be losing weight in the process. Losing weight will also reduce insulin resistance.
5. Reducing your fat intake is also important. You can do this by making sure your dairy intake is all nonfat or skim. This will also help you lose weight which will reduce insulin resistance.
6. Obviously, you need to cut down on your sugars and sweets. Lowering your blood sugar level consistently is critical to reversing and curing this disease.
7. Finally, you should also be drinking plenty of water which is extremely beneficial for eliminating toxins, sugars, impurities, and cholesterol from your body. Water will also allow you to feel full to lessen your desire to eat. It is a fact, that 75% of our hunger pains are actually dehydration pains. Drink water throughout the day!
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Food Therapy should be followed under the supervision from your doctor. Check your sugar level frequently so that sugar levels do not go beyond the recommended level
Foods to avoid
It is always advisable to avoid some foods if you are diabetic such as refined sugar, sweets, syrups, glucose, jam, molasses, fruit sugar, ice-cream, cakes, pastries, sweet biscuits, chocolates, soft drinks, condensed milk, cream and fried foods. Fats like butter, ghee and hydrogenated vegetable oil should also be avoided. White sugar and white flour should be reduced drastically. Avoid all processed foods, junk food, pastries, cookies, canned and preserved foods. They contain harmful preservatives and lot of salt. Avoid soft drinks since these have a lot of sugar. Try to avoid fried foods from your diet.
Smoking results in the using up of oxygen in the body. It will result in less of oxygen needed by the body to metabolize glucose. So smoking should be avoided.
Foods to be limited
Salt consumption should be reduced to a minimum. You will get enough salt form the vegetables and fruits you eat. Reduce animal foods especially red meats. Reduce poultry and egg. Reduce caffeine and alcohol. Do not drink tea and coffee more than 2 cups a day. Try to replace it with green tea or herbal teas like Parsley tea, Blueberry leaf, Tea made of tender walnut tree leaves, Water in which kidney bean pods have been cooked is good diabetes.
Do not consume alcohol in empty stomach. Alcohol on an empty stomach can cause low blood glucose or hypoglycemia.Foods that should be consumed in moderation are honey and other natural sugars like palm sugar, dates which can be used instead of white sugar. Remember these should be consumed in very little quantity only.Pasta, coconut, other nuts, unsweetened juices, eggs should be limited. You can replace it with whole grain, unpolished rice and Soya products. Try to eat whole grain bread instead of white flour. Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are more advisable that hydrogenated fats. Low fat food like skimmed milk and low fat home made cottage cheese can be taken in moderation. You can also substitute it with yoghurt. Sea food and fish also can be taken in moderation.
Foods to be taken
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
An alkaline diet with natural food is recommended. Wholegrain, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and dairy products form a good diet for the diabetic. Raw vegetables can be taken in high quantities. It has been found that cooked foods raise blood glucose higher than raw, unpeeled foods. Cooking destroys many of the enzymes and some vitamins and minerals.
Eat at least five fruits every day. Fruits like grape fruit, pomegranate juice, Indian blackberry, banana, granny smith apples, fig, cranberries, black berry, kiwi fruits, and citrus fruits are highly recommended. It can be taken as a snack. Cucumber, Lettuce, onion, garlic string beans cucumber radish, tomato, carrot, leaves; spinach turnip, cabbage and Jerusalem artichoke are good for diabetes. Colorful vegetables are good for the functioning of pancreas. Drink Fruit juices without sugar. Brewer's yeast and sprouted alfalfa and mung beans are good for the body. Unripe banana also can be cooked and eaten.
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The most important of all is eating high fiber diet which lowers need for insulin. It releases energy into the body slowly. It has also been found that diabetes decreases and may even disappear in people eating a high fiber or whole food diet. High fiber diet has more chromium and chromium is very good for people with diabetes.
Eat lot of potassium rich foods like raw peanuts, tomato, bananas, melons, dried peas, potatoes, apple cider vinegar, skimmed milk powder, wheat but do not take potassium supplements.
Include soluble fiber in your meals like barley, oatmeal, almond meal, dried beans, kidney beans, cooked black beans, peas, cereals, chickpeas, Bengal gram which has low glycemic index, , Black gram, lentils and corn or garbanzo beans to helps considerably in reducing blood sugar levels. Soy products like tofu, tempeh, soymilk, soya powder, soy bean sprouts, nuggets etc are also very good in containing neurological complications in diabetes. You can make bread out of any of the whole grains. Get a lot of soluble fiber into your diet. When you eat lots of bread, cereal and starchy vegetables you will get enough of starches which is very helpful for diabetes. Insoluble fibers, found in bran (oat bran, wheat bran), whole grain breads, whole grains and nuts, act as intestinal scrubbers by cleaning out the lower gastrointestinal tract. Fiber cleans your intestinal tract by moving out the food so that it wouldn't stay there and putrefy. Butter milk and yoghurt diet are very beneficial.
Helpful herbs and vegetables
1. Bitter Gourd (Karela): Bitter gourd Momordica-charantia or bitter melon juice contains plant insulin and should be taken 2 ounce 2 times daily on an empty stomach. It is found to be very effective for diabetes.
It can be cooked as any vegetable and eaten.
The bitter melon powder can be made by drying. Take bitter gourd powder I teaspoon daily in empty stomach.
2. Taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day may help prevent the onset of diabetes. Even soaking a cinnamon sticks in your tea, could also benefit non-diabetics who have blood sugar problem but are unaware of it.
3. 30 gram fenugreek seeds can be soaked in a glass of water at night and after 12 hours take it and grind it into a paste with the soaked water and drink it on a empty stomach.
2 teaspoon if powdered seeds can be taken with water or milk.
You can add fenugreek into anything you cook.
4. Eating upto 3 grapefruits a day has also been helpful.
5. 1 tablespoon of amla (Emblica officinalis) after removing the seeds extract the juice and mix with a cup of bitter gourd juice and take daily for 2months in a empty stomach.
6. Gymnema Sylvestre a traditional ayurvedic herb the leaf of which is to be taken up to 4 grams per day.
7. Indian blackberry seeds or Jamun seed powder (scientific name of Jamun is Eugenia jambolana or Syzygium cumini L and) is very good for diabetes. Take 1/4th teaspoon with 1 teasoon honey for 50 days.
8. Eating freshly crushed raw garlic 3-4 grams a day lowers blood sugar. You can wash it down with a glass of water.
9. Neem seeds daily 2 times a pinch. Taking a gram of neem leaf daily helps in diabetes.
10. Bael (Aegle marmelos) : The leave of the bael tree when chewed are very useful in diabetes. Pulp of this fruit could be dried and taken in doses of 5 to 10 gms a day.
11. A pinch of pure turmeric powders mixed in amla juice (Indian goose berry) and eat daily in empty stomach.
12. Use of turmeric and gooseberry in equal quantities in powder form taken with warm water is very useful in this behalf. These activate the pancreatic cells and more insulin is produced.
13. Wild jeerakam cumin seeds black colored 60 gm in 1 liter and boil a reduce it ti 1/4th liter and take half divide it into two equal parts and drink one part in the morning and one in the evening 2 times daily.
14. Grind (Bacopa monnieri )Bhrahmi and add a teaspoon of it to milk and drink.
Vitamins that help
Supplements in natural forms are more conducive to the body.
Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.
Vitamin C: 500 mg is recommended. Vitamin E: This vitamin is very valuable for diabetes. A daily dose of 200 i.u. of Vitamin E is recommended for a fortnight at a time.
Chromium: Whole grains, seeds, mushrooms, corn oil and brewer's yeast are relatively good sources of biologically valuable chromium.
Vitamin A:. Take A dose of 15,000i.u. on alternate days.
Vitamin B: Avoid large dosage of vitamin B because this vitamin interferes with the absorption of insulin by cells.
Things to do
Controlling your Weight is the best way to treat diabetes. Exercise improves the body's response to insulin. An exercise program should be started only with the advice of a doctor to avoid unnecessary complications. Walking, light games, jogging and swimming are also good.
Yoga can help a lot. To relieve stress do meditation once a day for 10 to 40 minutes. Yogic asanas like Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Talasana, Yastikasana,, like Yogamudra, Hastapadasana, Paschimottanasana, Chakrasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana and Viparitakarani, as halasana, shalabhasana, dhanurasana, Pratipaksabhavana and shavasana will also be beneficial.
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A natural diabetes cure that is beneficial is known as onion for diabetes treatment. Onion is well known for its effectiveness against a variety of conditions that include the common cold, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and other diseases.
Onion contains chemical compounds that are believed to have anti-cholesterol, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties like quercetin. The onion shows a single vertical shoot above the ground, while the bulb grows underground; it is a close relative of garlic.
A natural diabetes cure has found that onion has a significant blood sugar lowering action and the main active ingredient is known as allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) as well as diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin).
APDS has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin. Other benefits of onion are its cardiovascular effects, have the ability to lower lipid levels, are antihypertensive, and can inhibit platelet aggregation. Onions are essential for diabetes treatment.
How onions lower blood sugar is not exactly known, however research has shown that the properties of onion can block the breakdown of insulin in the liver that prevents the destruction of insulin. Therefore, this means that the body will have higher levels of insulin, which is essential for people with diabetes.
Onion for diabetes treatment has been used since ancient times; it makes no difference whether the onion is eaten raw or cooked. Onions (Allium cepa) belong to the lily family, which is the same family as garlic, chives, leeks, and shallots.
Onion is a natural diabetes cure that contains a number of sulphides that are similar to those that are found in garlic, these are known to lower blood lipids and blood pressure.
Following is a recipe for a natural diabetes cure that contains onion:
Onion and Potato Pie
500g Onions, finely sliced
1kg of potatoes, peeled and finely sliced
1 tablespoon of oil
125g of grated cheddar cheese
15g of butter
2 tablespoons of chopped parsely
2 tablespoons of chopped chives
Salt and pepper to season
1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan (one that can be placed under the grill), place a layer of potato, onion and cheese and repeat ending with a layer of potato, season in between each layer
2. Reduce the heat, cover and cook for 30 minutes. Remove and place the butter over the potato and place under a preheated grill for a further 10 minutes or until browned
3. Remove pie from pan and slice into wedges, top a mix of parsley and chives, serve with a fresh green salad
It is essential for diabetics to implement onions into their diabetes treatment plan, as this natural diabetes cure can help you to achieve optimum health.
Can your diabetes be cured? Is it possible to normalize your blood sugar and stop all medication?
To learn about the groundbreaking new research that shows how to reverse type 2 diabetes in 3 Weeks, simply Click Here!
Medical diabetes care can always be costly given the chronic nature of the disease and the expensive nature of the drugs that diabetics are administered with. The cost of diabetes care can however be much reduced if you resort to foods that lower blood sugar levels. Recent studies indicate that these foodstuffs are able to reduce one's chances of being diagnosed with the insulin disease in addition to being an alternative remedy for those who are already diabetic.
A recent study published in a 2010 nutrition journal established that blueberries are among the most effective foods that lower blood sugar if its bioactive ingredients are taken on a daily basis. The berries work by increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin hence reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This makes the fruits an essential element in diabetes care.
This is a type of fruit that naturally appears fatty. This is due to the high levels of monounsaturated fat contained by avocados, just the kind of compounds that are effective at slowing down the release of sugars into your bloodstream. This means that taking the fruit in your diet prompts less release of insulin. Carbs often stimulate the pancreas to produce a lot of insulin that in the long run make the body develop resistance to the hormone. This is often the genesis of type 2 of the sugar disease. And that is what avocado guards against.
You should not worry about becoming obese from taking a lot of the fruit. The fat does not necessarily make you fat as it is inert. Being within the digestive system means it is subjected to metabolism. Taking Sugar is however what makes you fat as they fall under the category of simple carbohydrates, which are immediately digested and find their way into the bloodstream from where their surplus are converted into fats for storage, making you obese in the long run.
The journal Diabetes Care indicated in 2003 that cinnamon is likely to make the liver and muscle cells to respond to insulin more readily. This means that incorporating sufficient amount of cinnamon offers you better chances of losing weight. When your body responds better to insulin hormone you experience improved blood sugar balance which means less insulin is getting released into your body system. This way your risk to diagnosis with type 2 diabetes is highly reduced.
Ceylon cinnamon has also been found to reduce a number of risk factors for heart disease. This includes the levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and high blood sugar.
Chia Seed
This grain has been found to stabilize blood glucose making it one of the best foods that lower blood sugar. In addition, it helps to improve the body's insulin sensitivity which guards against diabetes type 2. For those who wish to control the sugar disease in a more economical way, these are some of the foods that are worth giving a try.
Can your diabetes be cured? Is it possible to normalize your blood sugar and stop all medication?
To learn about the groundbreaking new research that shows how to reverse type 2 diabetes in 3 Weeks, simply Click Here!
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Scientific studies have proven that type 2 diabetes can be reversed naturally - but this information has been hidden and suppressed for decades.
Diabetics can normalize blood sugar, and be taken off all medication and insulin injections completely naturally.
Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are revealing the truth about diabetes in a shocking new online presentation.
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