This ezine article provides five tips for hiring a good writer, creator of online and print publications that require quality content on a regular basis. If you are an editor or publisher looking to hire a good creative writer use these 5 tips to find the best writer of the article for publication!

As an editor or publisher of a literary magazine, journal, website or blog, the requirement of a good writer, creative, original articles can contribute to well-documented and evergreen is a constant.

However, if you want more than content writing services or new SEO content to increase readership and traffic, then you need to re-examine the method of searching for creative article writers, especially if not found a team of content writers so far.

Good writers are the type that surely they can stretch their muscles, are willing to leave their comfort zone and open to the challenges of new writing - the three key success factors editorial.

While it is afraid to try something new and creative writers are the shy type, so choose to put on paper (or use a typewriter or computer) to execute their thoughts for a target audience, the only way to grow a business or profession is taking risks.

So read through the following 5 tips for hiring a good creative writer - that can meet the 5 essential elements listed below are prerequisites for the success of creative writing - the underlining factor that increased sales of its publication!

5 essential qualities of a good Creative Writer - Can the writer chosen to meet these?

1. Does the writer develop new ideas article, if necessary during the initial consultation session? He is the author is willing to try to write articles on topics he or she has never written before? the writer is open to the interviews and additional research if the project requires writing these? If yes, proceed to the determination of the next four essential qualities as its aim is to hire a creative writer who is willing to take initiative and responsibility to test new writing opportunities to help your publication grow!

2. The best way to determine if the supplement of the magazine New, pull-out, new series of articles or blog current hot topic for your company may be planning will generate more readers and subscribers, is to hire creative writers with clips portfolio to support their ability to capture the attention of readers. Ask the writer with bylines relevant clips can be checked for quality purposes before hiring the writer.

3. Try the "switch point of view," the strategy chosen to give your article creative writer a written test as a "pilot project" to determine if the writer is a good option to increase the value of its publication. In the test item, you may request the author to "change POV (Point of View) to judge the writing style that best readers click, which means writing an article in first person instead of a third party and running for a smaller niche group of readers before applying the technique to a wider audience. For example, run the new style of writing your Twitter, Facebook or blog readers before changing business this style in the printed publication. Rental of the writer whose work style readers more connected with the performance of their preferences for the following reader comments, tweets, FB likes and other tools.

4. Ask the writer to change the way creative writing and a different standard to judge a flexible writing style. For example, if the publication is a guide to house style and you want to modify some of these points, but it is necessary to determine if the writer chosen can be creative on the introduction of shorter or longer plans to write graphics presented with less or more, you can request a change of form in writing. That is, moving from prose to visual style of factual information or the introduction of a palindrome instead of the traditional sidebar or fact files in tabular form to present the main points of an article!

5. A good creative writer will be able to offer great articles, including controversial issues, or even embarrassing clumsy and maintain a professional tone authentic writing. So give your creative writer with a wide range of topics. Request him or her to write a sample article from each of the major issues that would be difficult to address, such as caste-based politics reserves positions in government, religion, incest, etc.

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