Heart disease. Those two words, more than any others, drive home the reality of your own mortality. A heart attack or diagnosis of heart disease offers a wake-up call that can change your life in an instant. Just the thought of it makes a person do an about-face, exchanging long-established habits for a healthy lifestyle in an attempt to ward of the finality of the disease.

It’s understandable that we’re frightened of heart disease. It’s the leading cause of death in the United States, with more people dying of heart disease—more than 600,000 a year according to the CDC—than die of cancer.

The good news is, changes to lifestyle can make a difference. If the changes are deep enough and profound enough, you can prevent or reverse the damaging effect of this most fatal of illnesses. That’s the catch, though. The changes have to go deep, far beyond the surface. Of course, the best way to make long-lasting changes is to make those changes second nature. One way to do this is through the use of creative visualization and relaxation (CVR).

Experts in the field of mind technology have used CVR, or the practice of concentrating on vivid mental pictures, for more than 20 years. CVR has been used effectively to help people manage pain, lessen stress and lose weight, among other things. Now, heart patients can also use it to create a heart-healthy lifestyle and a brand new life.

Creative visualization sessions guide users through steps like taking charge, creating a health-care team and stress reduction. Such CVR heart-health series also help people define important resolutions and then motivate them to take action. Those actions are what help people create vibrant, healthy lifestyles.

A related mind technology called biofeedin also offers a boost in heart health as it narrows the mind-body wellness gap. Biofeedin, or light and sound technology, uses finely-tuned light and sound frequencies to synchronize the left and right sides of the brain and produce deeply relaxed brainwave activity. The result is lasting changes in far less time than with traditional medical methods. Most modern biofeedin machines are easy to use, since they feature light and sound glasses that can plug into any MP3 player. And, 20 minutes of biofeedin is equal to four hours of sleep, which helps heal the stress and exhaustion inherent in a heart-disease diagnosis.

Over the last 20 years, biofeedin devices have bridged traditional therapy and mind-based integrative practices. Hospitals, doctors, chiropractors and other health professionals throughout the world have already incorporated this new technology into their practices with exceptional results. Most importantly, the combination of light and sound technology and CVR packs a powerful double punch when it comes to preventing or reversing heart disease. The effect is so great that every adult in North America could possibly benefit from a heart-healthy CVR program.

Mind-based healing is a preventive solution and a significant technology for reversing imbalances in the body, mind and spirit. CVR heart-healthy sessions go beyond ‘natural’ medicine. Creative visualization is a low-cost, noninvasive approach that reduces stress, enhances health and trains the brain for a healthier life. That makes CVR a wise choice for anyone who wants to have a healthy heart.

Author's Bio: 

Andrea Di Salvo is a freelance writer with more than a decade of writing experience. She works frequently with Dr. Patrick Porter, who is the author of a number of books on mind technology including the award-winning Awaken the Genius and his new release, Thrive in Overdrive. He is the creator the ZenFrames Portable Achievement Device. Learn more at www.PorterVision.com.