Wedding invitations are very important to any bride and groom, they show off your wedding in a simple yet elegant manner explaining when are where the wedding is going to take place. Many people decide on their invitations way before they think about the envelopes. However the envelopes play an important part in sending and receiving invitations.

Without an envelope you wouldn’t be able to send your invitations through the post which is why you should consider thinking about your envelopes whilst you start thinking about your invitations. There are many different sizes, shapes and styles to choose from to ensure that you can find and purchase the most ideal one to match your invitations. There are three main factors you should think about before purchasing or looking for the envelopes you choose, these are: colour, size and thickness.

The colour.

The colour is an important part to any envelope as we rarely want to use the simple, white envelopes and now there are vast ranges of colours and designs to choose from. If you’re looking for an elegant yet colourful envelope the pearlescent or mirror finished envelopes are for you. They add a touch of colour whilst finishing off your invitations with a beautiful yet elegant look to finish off; there are a wide selection of colours available, from aubergine to gold and all the colours in between. If you are looking for the more sophisticated envelope a rose textured envelope is for you. The rose textured envelopes offer a beautiful rose designed exterior and finish off your content with a beautiful, colourful look and feel.

There is a more simplistic route, finding a simple coloured envelope and using a piece of ribbon or a bow could complete the elegant look you desire. All guests want to receive an invitation and you could make it even more special by using one of the ranges of coloured envelopes available at Enveloppen België.

There are many different ranges of coloured envelopes and many more designs to choose from so ensure that you find the right one for you and your invitations today. Finding the right colour to match your colour scheme or theme doesn’t have to be difficult or a daunting task to undertake, it can all be completed within the comfort of your own home.

The Size.

The size of an envelope for any type of contents is important as finding one that is too big offers a lot of freedom to the contents allowing it move, which could result in damage. An envelope to small could do the exact opposite, and damage the contents as they are squashed in. The size is not a very hard thing to think about however it is important. Ensure you find the right envelope to suit your needs and your invitations. There are now miniature envelopes available to provide your guests with an RSVP card making it simpler, quicker and cost effective to reply as soon as possible to your invitation.

The Thickness.

The thickness is another aspect that may not seem important however choosing the right thickness of envelope for your contents allows you to have peace of mind that your invitations or other contents will be safe when being delivered. There are kartonnen envelopes (cardboard envelopes) which offer more protection than the standard paper envelope as their thickness provides a sort of shield against harm and damage. The standard paper envelopes also offer some protection as they act as a barrier between your invitations and the outside world.

Ensure that you find the right envelopes for you by visiting Enveloppen België. They can offer you every style, size and colour each individual could need for their wedding or any other special occasion.

Enveloppen België supply a wide range of envelopes from kartonnen enveloppen to miniature envelopes. Find a vast range of envelops for your needs and requirements today.

Author's Bio: 

Larry Webber is the man behind many great past ventures, providing a compendium of highly useful services to a number of large businesses and corporations from a wealth of different backgrounds. Currently employed as the marketing director for Kitchen Taps, Larry's unique ability to gain impressive results as a marketing guru have preceded his name in many industries and as a result offers exceptional help and advice to others looking to maximise on their marketing potential. Maintaining his current position for the last four years, he is responsible for turning Kitchen Taps and a long line of other companies around on their financial axis, producing excellent profits and improved search engine rankings for clients using ethical and clever techniques. Larry has a fondness for interesting challenges and finds it hard to resist a offer to assist in presenting a fast acting and viable marketing solution that will be highly rewarding.