Corporate promotional gifts are used to thank clients for their business and so investing in ones that make a great impression and are of some use or value is invaluable. Thanking a client for their business is important because it conveys a sense of importance that you have attached to them and lets them know you appreciate working with them. The effect that this can have on the client is that they may decide they want to work with you again or they may even go and talk to their friends about you – which is the ideal result. The item you give should not be emblazoned with promotional ads though. The client already knows what you do and so telling them again would prove fruitless. Your item should just serve as a gentle reminder of the positive experience they had when they worked with you.

Matching your image

Glasses, mugs, pen sets and decorative ornaments are all common promotional gifts. Your gift should be relevant to what you or at least match the image you want to convey. Most importantly, though, it should match the interests of your clients.

Thanking your employees
If a client works with a company for a long time the company may wish to thank them on a regular basis, perhaps marking every year that the client uses the company with a special anniversary gift. Some companies will offer gifts in the same way to their employees, marking every year of loyal service with an extra days holiday, for example. This can be a great incentive for an employee, especially one that values their free time. Some firms will recognise employees’ birthdays or will mark the completion of a training course with a gift of some sort.

The gifts that have the greatest impact on a workforce are those that make the workplace as comfortable as possible, like a clock or a cup holder, or a pen set. A personal touch that makes the employee feel cared for and appreciated will always work well. Items that achieve this and make their working lives more comfortable are especially well received.

Boosting morale
What is crucial to remember when thinking about the gifts to give is that you must be fair and not show bias or favouritism in your gift-giving. Promotional Gifts should be of equivalent value and represent the same meaning and intent. If you can achieve this with your gift then you stand to raise both morale and productivity with a happier workforce. Creating a positive impression of your business to your employees may well aid recruitment too. If your workforce feel you are a good and fair employer to work for, then it is likely they will tell their friends about you.

Author's Bio: 

Justin Bregar is a freelance author who writes on various topics related to Promotional Merchandise, to find out more about him visit his website here.