Seasonal affective disorder, otherwise SAD in short, is considered a state of depression fuelled by the particularities typical for each of the four seasons summer, autumn, winter and spring. Quite simply experiencing an inappropriate mood thus being unable to adjust for the seasonal change that has already happened. In biological terms, this could be very accurately explained with the alteration of brain chemistry. As you all know, the brain is like a command centre to the body. The way the mind goes, the body follows. This is why the victims could only explain it as feeling funny, uneasy, unable to concentrate, just not in the mood for doing anything, not even sleeping.

You would think that moderate climate zones are where people suffer from this disorder the most, due to the diversity of seasons, each of them unique. Not quite. The human body has amazing properties to adjust itself to change, just like an insignificant dose of snake venom isn't really enough to cause problems, still the immune system generates antibodies that protect from an even larger dose. Actually, that takes time. With Math, you can clearly see why. Let's assume we have an exact year of twelve months with four seasons, each having a roughly identical duration. This means, once every four months, the body is up for adaptation. On the other hand, in extreme climates like the tropics, where there are only a dry season and a rainy season, the adaptation only happens twice a year, making it's effect 0.2 or 1/5 times more severe. Remember, the northern most parts of the world also host no more than severe winter and a short summer. During summer, life emerges and prepares itself as best as possible for the upcoming horrors of the winter, when almost nothing survives.

Also, it's not mandatory that everyone is exposed to develop this condition every time. The constant circulation of body chemistry can also lead to exhaustion, provided the immune system is already weakened, there is lack or sleep or rest, inappropriate food and liquid consumption, or any other number of external factors.

Once affected, how do we snap out of the bad dream? For the purpose, you need to understand that whatever the cause, also appeared spontaneously. We have mentioned previously that the body needs time to perform the necessary adaptation correctly. What needs to be done is this. It appears our mood is getting in the way of everything, so we need to fix that. It's done by forcing yourself to go to sleep, where enough time spent in slumber is like pushing the reset button without even noticing it. The best and most healthy way to force yourself to collapse on the bed begging for sleep is exhaustion. Think workouts, situations of stress all day, cleaning through your entire place, all day spent in activities that require concentration once undertaken, things like that. Of course, you will be less that happy about motivating yourself to move a finger, so get a buddy by yourself to push you around when necessary. It rarely happens to be lazy enough to even speak. Once you've gladly went to sleep, tomorrow will greet you with the could hard truth. Since you will not feel so hesitant by then, these changes in climate will naturally fit you. That's it.

Another way to cope with SAD is applying a little trick you can experience for yourself even now. Get something sharp and scratch the back of your wrist. It slightly hurts. Now apply alcohol until you begin to feel the stinging. This stinging is measured by your senses only as forms of tickling, While you still feel the stinging, flex the same hand into a fist and slam it in the door. It hurts a lot more, yes. What you need to realize is the following. Notice how, while hurt, you are only thinking about the pain from the slam? This is how the rest of your body responds to uncomfortable states. The greater pain overwrites the lesser pain. We can actually use it to our advantage this time. Not in the mood for anything? That's cool. Are you in the mood for cleaning snow, going to the store in -20 outside perhaps? It's up to you to figure out those horrible experiences, on one condition. They have to be seasonal. For example, winter is associated with snow, summer with extreme heat, autumn with lots of rain, spring with unbalanced weather conditions.

Either way, you just have to push yourself just a bit more this time, or ask someone else to do it for you. If it helps you maintain focus and readiness, it's worth the annoying suffer of a couple of days work. Man up and keep your head high!

Author's Bio: 

Being a child of the sea, Jason has mastered self-discipline on levels that get you ready for anything life throws at you. Engaging every environment on a daily basis also sharpens self preservation. A former land-based worker in a number of projects such as the removal services Upper Edmonton, Jason now shares his experience in home, real estate, moving/relocating, self-improvement and self preservation.