Is your husband saying that he's changed? Does he say that he'll never cheat on you again? Is he telling you that he loves you and never meant to hurt you the way he did? Can you really believe what he is saying, after all what he has done to you? How do you know for sure that he won't cheat on you again?

But wait, after all, you are the only one that know about your husband very well better than anyone else. In many ways you know your husband better than even he knows about himself. Put it in another way, you know definitely whether you are able to believe what he is saying about not going to cheat you again in the future.

Don't be in a hurry to write off your marriage as all over. Wait, there is good news looming on the horizon for the sake of saving your marriage. Yes, you can make important changes in your marriage that will help him straighten up this time around. If you are really serious about saving your marriage, these small changes can help your spouse think on the same lines. They even can help brighten the prospects of happiness in your marriage like never before.

1.Make time for both of you to be alone every day This can be utilized to talk, kiss, cuddle and really connect to each other like never before. Just 10 minutes a day spent alone only between the two of you, will make a world of difference in saving your marriage, that was on the brink of divorce.

2.Let him be alone for about 30 minutes after returning from work. This would give him sufficient time to release the stress accumulated during work and be free to discuss important matters pertaining to your day to day activity, without the usual grumpiness that he would otherwise have shown.

3.Praise him a bit and make it look real and not over hyped. He needs to feel that you adore him for what he does to uplift the family. If you adore him daily and flatter him a bit, another woman will find it difficult to compete with you in order to get his attention. After all it is not a big price to pay to keep your marriage strongly bonded. The first place he started to cheat was to get an ego boost. So why not you give it to him in a subtle way and cement your relationship for a long time to come. Believe me when I say that, he will not go out looking for it to other women, if you stroke his ego a bit every day. Remember it has to be natural and not artificial.

Just a little patience on your end and finding time to follow the above tips on a daily basis can go a long way in cementing a lasting relationship with your husband and keeping him from cheating on you in the future.

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Above are just a few tips that can make a big difference, but if you want the secret to really Cope with Infidelity in your marriage you're going to need to go to –