Dealing with a bad breakup can be one of the worst things you’ll experience in your life. However, there are things you can do to deal with a break up. The following tips will help speed up your recovery time and put you back in control of your life:

Coping With Break Up Tip #1 The first thing you should try and do is spend some time on your own. Don’t try and contact your ex-boyfriend as this will probably be a lot tougher on you than you think while you’re still healing from the breakup. Head off on your own for awhile and just don’t get in contact with him at all while you’re healing. You will find it much tougher to cope with breaking up if you can't get him out of your head. Likewise, if possible, try to avoid going places you know he regularly goes to himself.

Coping With Break Up Tip #2 It's important next to throw out or hide anything that might remind you of your ex-boyfriend so it's out of sight. Throw out old photographs of him and any gifts he bought you. If you can't bear to get rid of these things just yet then just hide them in the back of a dark closet or somewhere you won’t look very often. Out of sight out of mind, you know--You’ll heal a lot faster if you aren’t constantly surrounded by things that remind you of him. Make sure that anything left is given to him by a friend or in the mail.

Coping With Break Up Tip #3: Finding time for friends and family who love you is key at this point after a break up. Start doing things with your friends that you enjoy and make you feel good. Take time out of your busy life to see your family if you can. It's likely that while you were with your partner you didn’t see them very often. They might offer a shoulder to cry on or support for you if you are suffering and need advice following the break up.

Coping With Break Up Tip #4: Next is to make sure you channel your emotions properly. Release your feelings trapped inside. You can either write your feelings down in a journal or work them out at the gym by running or working out. There's nothing wrong with releasing your emotions in either of these ways, in fact letting go of any feelings of hurt or resentment can help your recovery a lot.

Coping With Break Up Tip #5: Finally, it's important after a break up to look at ways in which you can make yourself as a better person. Make the most of the break up to start doing things that you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but maybe you just never got around to because you were in a relationship or just didn’t have time for before. Maybe you could put in some overtime at the office and earn that promotion. Maybe this is a great chance to sign up for those Spanish classes you’ve been thinking of for a few months now. The more you grow as a person the better your self-confidence will be and you’ll start to feel better overall. You will be able to start your life again and feel fantastic if you do things you love.

It won't be easy or quick to cope after a break up, but taking time to read these tips will help you on you way. It's always hard to cope with the pain that often comes after getting dumped. Taking these steps to move on is the first thing you need to do and make a better life.

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If you found this info helpful, be sure to check out the article on how to get over a love on the website Boyfriend Boomerang.

Sarah Scott enjoys helping women deal with the conflicts and challenges they experience in relating with men and helping them form successful relationships.