There is currently a class war between the workers and the ultra-rich, and the rich are winning. That's unfortunate, because this is not sustainable for anyone. Money, which is nothing more than a piece of paper representing an agreement and a contract, is losing its stability. Investors are moving their wealth into real assets such as gold, metals, food, rice, cafe and everything that has real value. As a consequence, the price of all the commodities is going up. Inflation is going up until people can't buy what they need for survival. What follows is a super-crash, and I'm afraid this is inevitable. After the crash of 2009, the financial system is starting to melt down again since a few days.

I have said for a long time that the current system doesn't support the new level of consciousness, and that there is no breakthrough without breakdown. Also, you don't fight against the system. Instead, you create a new system that makes the old system obsolete. The consciousness level is going up and the banking system is going down. Nothing can stop that. I was asking myself the question: what will businesses look like in the third millennium after we go through all this. I started finding some answers.

First, let's go down to the definition of some fundamental concepts.

Money: It represents an exchange of value. You can exchange bread for milk, but if you don't need milk, money gives you more flexibility about how you exchange value. It also allows others to get bread from you when they don't have anything else you need. Even if currencies melt down, this fundamental principle will always exist.

Wealth: Anything that improves the quality of life. For example, installing a solar panel on an isolated island that doesn't have electricity brings more wealth to everybody connected to that solar panel. Computers bring wealth by facilitating a lot of tasks.

Bank money: It is a piece of paper that represents an agreement of debt. If you look on any American bill, it clearly states "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private". Printing a $20 bill creates a $20 debt + interest. The irony is there is more debt than money in the world, which means it is IMPOSSIBLE to pay back the debts. This creates a never-ending vicious circle sucking wealth. Until the world goes bankrupt... which is happening now.

There is another issue I have yet to hear anyone talk about. We have all the resources we need and have all the technologies to automate all the work. Yet, you can't have a roof and buy food if you don't work 40 hours per week at one of the few jobs left. The job doesn't even need to be useful for society.

In the current system, businesses are wealth-sucking machines. In a higher-consciousness world, businesses will be wealth-generating silos. Imagine if nobody owed anything to anyone and the population owned their lands and resources. A business manufacturing computers will buy some metals and resources and sell computers. There would be no stress to make investors happy. There would be no stress to compete with other manufactures. In fact, they could inspire themselves with the breakthroughs of other computer manufactures. They could easily scale up and down to give people what they need. They would bring wealth to surrounding areas by transforming raw materials into computers. That is, if there was no architectural stress forcing everybody involved to run endlessly like in a rat race.

Banks and speculators currently own over 90% of the lands and resources of the planet. This system MUST break down for lands and resources to go back to the people, and it is currently happening. Now it's time to think about what you want to create next.

These two aspects differentiate wealth-generating silos from wealth-sucking machines:
- Reducing obligations as they give power away and create structural stress
- Increasing independence which allows individuals to grow

Let's look into specific aspects of businesses and how they could work

Funding. There are currently three main options: personal funding, private investors and stock market. Personal funding creates no obligations but brings very limited leverage. Private investors bring some obligations but terms can be negotiated. The stock market brings a lot of obligations in terms of competitiveness and the business MUST suck up as much wealth as possible to remain interesting on Wall Street. In order to reduce obligations, businesses should work with personal money or private investors with careful agreements that reduce stress and obligations. Stock market is obsolete and dangerous.

Employees. Businesses currently hire employees who work in fear of losing their security. Millennials such as me can't stand full-time jobs and can be 4 to 10 times more productive when working part-time without restrictions. Businesses in the third millennium should work only with independent workers and reward them for their work. There is a big difference between fear-based contract and reward-based work.

Governments and regulations. They are the result of the culture of the population. Change from within instead of trying to change the world. Once people's culture evolves, the organizations will evolve. Once the organizations' culture evolves, the governments and systems will adapt.

Not very long ago, a man's salary was enough to feed a family. Now, both the man and the woman work and they're still short on money. If the system was better organized, with all the technology we have, one man working could easily feed his friends and family, or up to 10 people. These other people could then contribute to the world in more creative ways. Not because they have to, but because they want to. Arts and music would come back to improve the experience of life of everybody.

The best way to navigate through the shifting world is to imagine what the world will look like after the shift and to organize your life as if it had already happened. The faster a new system is created, the easier the transition will be.

Author's Bio: 

Etienne Charland, Dating Coach, Offering You the 3-Part Audio Course
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