Making your article click among the hordes that are published each hour over the internet is the most challenging bit any content writer can encounter. Well, it’s not always about the “need to be different” formula fetching glory; success has rather got to do more with the authenticity of the content. The modern website search engines are not entirely designed to just promote keyword allocation. No, they are much more intelligent than you actually think. Take for instance Google, arguably the most preferred search engine of the lot. Many feel that Google simply favors heavy keyword usage, but that certainly isn’t the case as Google uses incredibly complex mathematical formula to actually rank websites based on diverse aspects and most preferably based on valid quality content.

While writing contents with SEO in mind, it’s integral that the content stays convincing enough, but most crucially the title remains firmly plotted to the keyword. While Search engines have got smarter by filtering vague contents just filled with keywords. On the flip side, they certainly have allowed multiple keyword usage within titles to stand. Stats prove that people usually judge books by their titles rather than tediously going through the summary. This aspect applies not just within books, but also within the web. With so many websites around, web surfers usually prefer to read the title and then decide upon the article. Therefore, keeping the title firmly plotted in context of the keyword certainly makes sense.

Down the years, SEO based content writing has unquestionably evolved into a massive promotional entity. However, using it cheekily to just filter in contents can actually ruin stuff rather easily. Then again, a compelling content can also quadruple the promotional effect.

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Looking for native seo content writers to filter your website with quality content? Well, we are quite happy to welcome you to our family as we specialize in all kinds of writing jobs including exclusive SEO content writing stuffs. Contact us to know more.