The last part of the "contact lenses series" is about children. Because some of you have them and me... I just love them. Ar first I thought "contact lenses for children? Perfect!". You can never get them to wear glasses because other kids laugh at them, they will eventually break any kind of unbreakable glasses so with a little care, they are the perfect solution (you can't get Miami intraocular lenses for them because the operation is not recommended until they stop growing).
Kids are cute with glasses, I admit it. I was the cutest little girl but contact lenses weren't so common back then (hey, not that back!).
I have a story that goes with this too. When I was a little girl I enjoyed playing soccer. I had a crush... never mind. The point is that I wanted to play football but I couldn't play with my glasses on (duh, and it's against the rules too) and without them it was very difficult. If I had a choice back then maybe... who knows... But enough daydreaming I'll tell you what I learned about children contact lenses, how the parents should manage the whole deal and what cautions are to be taken.

Contact lenses for children
Children are perfect candidates for contact lenses. In some cases these lenses are prescribed even for babies. The question is: is the child mature enough to be responsible for its lens and has sufficient coordination for applying and removing the lenses? Studies show that those aged between 11 and 13 years are able to handle themselves and to take care of contact lenses. To decide on the ability of children to wear lenses, parents should consult a specialist. Maintaining the current lenses is simple and takes only a few minutes.

Children aesthetics play an important role, so the lens can be more easily accepted than glasses. Sometimes, children are cruel to each other and from a pair of glasses a child can be rejected in the group, avoided to play with, dubbed, mocked, which makes it writhe. In addition, various studies have shown that wearing contact lenses during infant visual development can delay and even regress myopia.

Another possible option is to alternate lenses and glasses, allowing the child to use them both alternately, depending on the circumstances and his own desire.

Precautions for parents:
- Before trying contact lenses, go with the child to a specialist.
- Make sure you understand the specific hygiene rules that lenses have.
- The child must understand that the lenses cannot be changed with other friends.
- Before you go swimming, the child has to take out contact lenses or necessarily wear swimming goggles.
- Any irritation of the eyes, eye redness or tearing require withdrawal of lenses and consult your doctor.
- The child must carry at all times a lens case filled with cleaning solution to be able, if necessary, to clean them up.
- Ophthalmologist will help in choosing the best type of lens for your child's eyes.

Author's Bio: 


Dr. Nelson Preschel provides lasik surgery in Miami, as well as, cataract surgery and laser eye surgery in Miami, glaucoma treatment, PRK, iLASIK and LASIK in South Florida , cataract surgery in Miami, Laser eye surgery Coral Gables, Lasik Aventura, Cataract surgery Miami, laser eye surgery Miami.