Have you ever heard of this? I know you have not, I just made this term. Let me explain what this is; what an average person does with any idea? Get excited, thinking what hit it can be, how it can change his/her life, what difference it may bring and so on and what is next? Starting thinking what can go wrong, what price has to pay for it, what problems it can create? From high emotion people are constantly dragging themself down, Am I right? Long time ago I learned (I don't remember from where) that in every goal, aim, possibility, but also in every challenge (to do not use word problem) one should consider first what cost have to pay, what obstacles need to be faced, what the worst case scenario can be. Why?; to not give up the project but succeed and to not escape from the problem but to challenge it. In this approach what can be next? Even if the worst will happened one is prepared (less fear, less stress because he/she somehow expected it), but overall at the beginning the person starting from where? From very bottom (worst case scenario), so where it can go? That's right; only up. In the mentioned above average approach from high initial emotions people are often abandoning their dreams because there is a constant falling down; in the positive approach with the initial realistic assessment the emotions are going steadily up once progress is made and this is constant fuelling of the success. Than what will be the key to the success? The key ingredients are: planning, resourceful state, constant balanced high emotional level (not too high because of the risk of burning when things go wrong; not too low, of cause, because the numb depressive state is destructive) and action.

Author's Bio: 

I am a Coach, Nurse and creator of the www.nursing-online-site.com website. Specialized in Positive Influences creating Positive Life Changes I have the experience and knowledge to make a real difference in your life. Enrolled in Tony Robbins and Cloe Madaness Training Program, Epic Coach Academy, Law of Attraction Academy and mastering coaching skills with the best of the best I am truly confident that everybody has the power to live the life one deserve. My role than is to inspire you to find this power within. If you are interested in more encouragement, seeking for advice or have real life problem please contact me through this website or click on the website link above and use "contact us" page.