Last time we touched on a couple things that you have to do to prepare yourself for becoming an internet entrepreneur. We first covered how important it is to do proper research when deciding what business you want to proceed. Be aware and stay informed....

We then touched on the investment necessary to start your own business...If you recall I told you that whatever your initial investment to get started, it is never just that cost you must consider. So you need to be prepared to invest a few additional dollars. Promotion does not come cheap. I do urge you to take advantage of every free opportunity you come across. Think of your website or business as legal Graffiti, you want to plaster it in ever legal place you possible can. The more times you splash it out the the better chance others will see it and that of course is your goal. More people, more clicks, more sales. That's what I'm talking about!

When I left off last time I had just made my first sale after 14 months and several thousand dollars. You know a little here for traffic, a little there for emails and this and that, it adds up. In hind sight perhaps it was not such a good idea to throw money around like I did. The smart entrepreneur is going to fix his budget from the start. Wait until you find a promotion that generates some traffic (this is where the free sources and trails come in). Once you
see you have generated even a few click, then make a minimum investment in that source and track it to see if your clicks increase. In other words try and spend your advertising dollars wisely. Every advertising page you view will promise you they are the only ones that can grow your business....

Back to that first sale $29.00, I thought to myself, "man I m on my way now". But sadly to say another 4 months passed before the next sale cam rolling $10.99 and another then another. over the following months I was seeing sales of eighty-hundred bucks. About 6 months into my third year I was becoming discouraged. The money that was coming in went back into the business, plus I was still taking money out of my pocket...

Oh me, Oh my, what to do? Completely contrary to what I advised you in the first part of this article, I had not done my research. I wanted to start a business, I got a website and thought that was all there was to it. Wrong, wrong, wrong, did I mention I was wrong....

I actually had no target audience. whoa...........what's that? Yea, I know, my thoughts exactly, who knew? The more research I did, the more I learned and the more I learned, the more I realized how lucky I was to have made even one sale. It was at this point that I began to see just how important it was to know what your getting into before you attempt to do it. I put my desires on hold and over the next few months I did my due diligence. I ready everything I could, I researched and researched till my mind was numb...

The moral of story, in case you haven't figured it out. "Look before you leap" "know how deep the water"
"look both way's before crossing", "do as I say and not as I do". You get the point, I m sure. Do the research, ask as many questions as necessary to make sure you know who, what, when and where. The more you know the better chance you have of succeeding.

Thank you and good Luck,

Mike Ellis

Author's Bio: 

Long time marketer and mentor to other marketers. Offering service,assistant and teaching for marketers around the world.