Whenever you are moving out you need to perform lease cleaning and restore the looks of the apartment to get your bond money back. You have to clean all the areas but the most time taking are the bathroom and the kitchens. If you are staying in Thornbury or Brighton, you already know that these are the two areas that the landowners check with acuity. So, it is necessary that you comply with all the rules and regulations as laid to you by your landowner as this will make it easier for you to get the bond money back. 

To perform an efficient end of lease cleaning in Thornbury,you need to create a comprehensive cleaning checklist and follow it accordingly. Here we will take a look at the activities that are included in the checklist. 

Starting with the Kitchen

The kitchen is like the heart of the apartment. You need to clean it well as most of the dirt and grease gets accumulated here which can be difficult to remove.

  • The first place to clean is the cooking areas that include the oven, stovetop, griller, etc. You have to use powerful cleaning agents to remove the grease and the oil. Also, make sure that no wipe marks are left.
  • Secondly, you need to clean the kitchen sink. If you see some leftovers of food stuck in the drain, remove them to achieve that 100% clean look.
  • In the third place comes the most common area that is the drawers and the cupboard. Give them a good wipe to make them free of the dust and dirt. Also, make sure that the glasses are fully clean.
  • In the fourth place comes the refrigerator. This one might take some time to clean as you need to make sure that there are no food stains left inside.You need to clean the outer surface of the refrigerator too along with the floor beneath it.
  • In the fifth place, there are the windows and wallsin the adjoining areas of the kitchen which can quickly become dirty. So, you need to make sure that they are completely dust-free and there are no cobwebs. You have to use a vacuum cleaner and detergent solutions for it.

So, as you can see that it is a lengthy list. To make the task a bit simple, you can call for some company that provides professional move out cleaning in Brighton.

Then comes the Bathroom

After the kitchen, comes the bathroom. You need to make sure that this area is fully clean as well. Start with the 

  • Toilets

You have to disinfect the inside and the outside of the toilet apart from just cleaning the surface as is the rule.

  • Mirrors

You can just use any plain detergent to clean the mirror. However, make sure that you wipe everything carefully and that there are no marks left behind.

  • The Showers

If the showers are made of metal, you have to polish them to make them look impressive. You can use some chemical solutions for the polishing.

If you follow this checklist for bathroom and kitchen that includes the end of lease cleaning in Thornbury, you can expect to get your bond money back without facing hassles.

Author's Bio: 

The author is the owner of a company that provides comprehensive move out cleaning in Brightonand Thornbury so that the clients get the bond money back from their landowners.