We have often seen in rural areas a garden in the middle of a society with different fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. This type of gardening which is practised by a collective number of people is known as Community gardening. Community gardening is just like a joint family. In a joint family you get to see different people with different looks, diverse choices and thoughts. Likewise in this type of gardening you will find different kinds of plants, flowers, fruits, and the diverse ways to nurture them. These gardens are generally colourful and well maintained. Community gardening helps the plants to grow better because of good labour and maintenance. The concept of community gardening was mostly prevalent in rural areas until recently. Now we can see this kind of gardens in the cities as well. This gardening practice is healthy for nature as well as the society.
Community gardening is generally done on lands owned by the governments or which has shared owners in the society. It can be done on lands which are leased as well. It is a sort of community activity which brings the society closer and draws in the beginners of gardening as well. This also helps to have a healthy society. The vegetables grown in community gardening are fresh and have less pesticides or fertilizers. Moreover the organic produces are healthier and the society people get to save money as well. Gardening is a refreshing activity and sometimes it is use as a treatment to recover patients with stress. Gardening in a community helps the individuals of that society to relax and enjoy their leisure time.
A collective number of individuals from different walks of life gather for this type of gardening and share their experiences with others. If you look over a community garden u will see different types of gardening skills. There will amateur gardening whereas an expertise gardening as well. This activity gives a chance to those who wants to learn gardening to have a diversified experience in it. This is an often overlooked activity gives you a chance to create a healthy society, familiarize and give back something fruitful to your society. Start community gardening by first finding a land and some interested individuals. Collect the funds and start planning for the type of plants you would want to grow in there.
Community gardening is not only a personal hobby; it is a beneficial aid to the society. Bring you society together to have a healthier life and happy neighbourhood.

Author's Bio: 

Astrid Taylor who is associated with gardening for quite a long time refers Glogrow for buying the gardening products
online for it easy accessibility and hassle free service which will help you further in your gardening. Have a healthy society, a healthy world.