Many people who suffer with chronic yeast infections don’t understand what yeast infections are nor the causes of yeast infections.

At the basic level one of the primary yeast infection causes is an overgrowth of Candida albicans cells in the infected area. Candida is a type of yeast, but different from the yeast used to make bread.

This yeast overgrowth usually occurs in the vagina of a woman or under the foreskin of males. Both sexes can get yeast infections of the mouth and throat as well as systemic yeast infections.

Candida albicans cells naturally occur in and on the body, but because of poor diets and weakened immune systems these cells can grow out of control, so some other indirect yeast infection causes would be diets rich in sugar and refined carbs, processed foods, stress, lack of sleep, antibiotics, and lack of exercise. These behaviors feed yeast cells and weaken the immune system.

Other yeast infection causes have been linked to unprotected sex, tight fitting clothing, and douching. Yeast cells can be transmitted during sex and women who douche could be washing away helpful bacteria in the vagina that are a natural defense against yeast infections.

No matter what the yeast infection causes may be, most people can be cured from chronic yeast infections by changing their diets and lifestyles. It’s important to find a good Candida Diet Program that cures through proper nutrition and avoid remedies that adopt a magic pill philosophy.

Once yeast infection causes are eliminated, freedom from this uncomfortable disease can be achieved.

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