Can you believe there’s such a thing as a professional closet organizer? Yes, there are people who devote their lives to putting other people’s closets in order. Now, you might assume that this yet another frivolous indulgence of the super rich, but you’d be wrong. Many homeowners hire people to clean out and organize their busiest closets. In this article we will explain how you can do the job on your own.
Clear Everything Out
The number one reason most closets are a mess is that people refuse to part with items they no longer wear. Which is why getting rid of clothing and shoes you haven’t worn in years is the first and most important step of closet organizing. Sure, you might feel guilty about tossing something you never wore. But trust us, you’ll feel better if you donate it to someone in need. It may also be a good idea to donate those skinny jeans you are always trying to squeeze into or any garment that no longer fits.
Separate the Shoes
Both sexes love their shoes. But women are far more likely to keep shoes in their original boxes in their closets. This causes messiness and confusion when you go searching for a specific pair. So, if you insist on keeping the original boxes, it is important to label what’s inside. For organizational purposes, however, we strongly suggest that you invest in a clear shoebox organizer that his drawers that pull-out from the front. They not only give you easy access to all your shoes, but they allow you to organize them any way you like.
Measure Up
Once you have separated the grain from the chaff and whittled down your wardrobe, it is important to measure your closet space. This means taking account of floor space, wall space, rack and shelf space. That way, when you go shopping for boxes, bins and space-savers, you will know what fits.
Quick tip: If you need more space, you can always hang the shoes, either on the back of the closet door or on the rack.
Hang it up
“No more wire hangers!” Yes, Mommy Dearest was actually right for once. Wire hangers do not properly support most clothes. They are used because they are cheap. If you want an affordable hanger, we suggest you use plastic hangers for all button-down shirts. For heavier garments like suit jackets, a study wood hanger helps the item retain its natural shape. Lastly, for delicate items, we strongly recommend padded hangers. Oh, we almost forgot—get rid of all plastic dry-cleaner bags! They do not allow fabrics to properly breathe and may trap harmful chemicals in your clothes.
Coordinate Your Clothes
Unlike Einstein, who wore the same ensemble every day of his adult life, the average person has dozens of different items and accessories from which to choose. We recommend sorts items by color and hanging pants with pants, skirts with skirts, and blouses with blouses. That way, you will only have a few choices to make in the morning.
If you are extremely fastidious, you might want to organize colors from lightest to darkest or vice versa. Also, don’t forget that all items can be organized this way. This includes sweaters and T-shirts, which can be folded and stacked on the shelf (if your closet has a shelf).
One of the primary reasons people organize their closets is to save time. With that in mind, it is important to keep the items that you use frequently in plain sight, ideally at eye level. And for garments that are worn less frequently, like bathing suits and turtle necks, labeled boxes are an affordable space-saving solution.
Quick tip: If you are short on space, it may be a good idea to move truly seasonal items like gloves, scarves and bikinis to another closet.
No Room?
It is an undeniable fact of modern living that people have more stuff than ever before. So, if after all of the paring and organizing there is still too much to possibly fit, you may have to rely on a seasonal system of closet management. The most common seasonal arrangement is to simply keep fall/winter and spring/summer clothes together. These wardrobes can then be rotated twice a year. Few people who rely on this system have the need to rotate accessories like shoes, hats or belts from season to season. More often than not, it is rack space that is the culprit.
Other Closets
Unlike personal closets, there is really only one way to store linen, folded and on a shelf. Organizing these closets takes little more than time and patience. We suggest that you group the same-size sheets together on different shelves. Most experts claim that the best way to store table linen is to hang them on a skirt hanger. But since few homeowners have additional closet space, they are frequently just folded.
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