Whether it's wine, marker, mud or any other unwanted substance, stains on light carpet can be frightening to deal with. Luckily, a variety of products and methods can be used to remove hard stain spots from light-colored carpets. Try removing carpet stains yourself before enlisting the help of a professional carpet cleaning service. In fact, common household products can be effective in removing tough carpet stains

Blot up as much of the stain as possible using a white cloth or paper towel. Avoid rubbing the stain so as not to spread it. If the spot is a thicker substance, such as chocolate or ice cream, carefully scrape off as much of the substance as possible using a butter knife, kitchen spatula or similar item.

Mix a solution of ¼ cup cold water and ¾ cup white vinegar in an empty spray bottle. Spray a generous amount of the mixture onto the stain.

Allow it to penetrate the spot for a couple of minutes, then blot the spot with a clean, white rag dampened with the vinegar solution. Continue to dab the spot until the stain has lifted.

If the stain persists, fill a bowl with water and a few drops of dish soap. Fill a second bowl with equal parts hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Dip a sponge into the soapy water and forcefully blot the stain. Follow up by sponging the stain with the peroxide and ammonia mixture. Continue blotting with the soapy water then peroxide and ammonia mixture until the stain has lifted.

As an alternative, combine 2 ½ cups of warm water, ¼ cup liquid dish soap, 4 tbsp. baking soda and 6 tsp. of ammonia into a bowl or bucket. Dip a sponge into the mixture, wring it out slightly, and blot the stain with the mixture until it has lifted. Allow the spot to air dry, then go vacuum over the spot.

Use rubbing alcohol as yet another method for removing stains from light-colored carpet. Moisten a clean, white rag with the alcohol and blot the stain.

Do not use hot water to clean stains from carpet. The heat from the water will only further set the stain.

Use only white rags or towels to clean stains from carpet. The dye from colored rags may transfer to the carpet while cleaning.

Always first test the product you are using on an inconspicuous area of the carpet.

For more information, you may see links below:

carpet cleaning west auckland

Author's Bio: 

Graeme Stephens has been running the largest owned carpet cleaning company in new Zealand for 24 years. IICRC qualified "master restoration technician"