City Sprint Parcel Courier provides nationwide courier services every day of the year. They focus upon the needs of the consumer with pure dedication. Booking options are available by phone or online. Services may be scheduled at the customer’s convenience. The company has the ability to provide timely services which are effective as well as achievable within correct timeframes.

Scheduling collection services are simple and used by many businesses that have regular deliveries made. Employees are dedicated to providing the specific needs of the business partner. Premium delivery service is also available which provides distribution to the addressee only, not to the office of address. The package is personally handed to the individual that it is addressed to. Live time tracking is also available on all deliveries.

City Link leads the area in the care taken within the shipping industry. They take extra steps to ensure the all couriers are highly experienced. Packages are kept out of view in locked vehicles. The fleet also uses state of the art GPS for navigation. Notifications are also sent to the customer to inform of packaging delivery by email or text messaging.

The company is highly committed to the safety of the employees as well as those in the community. The have integrated a road safety program to ensure high standards are adhered to. The program requires regular vehicle inspections by a quality assurance team. Drivers must also adhere to a 12 point pledge promoting safety standards. Daily monitoring of operations occur. All drivers are highly trained in health and safety standards. Selection criteria of drivers are very thorough, hiring only those meeting these guidelines.

Over the years this courier service has received awards for the care they have provided within their work environment as well as within the public. A number of prestige awards have been provided to them for their hard dedication and work to provide excellent service.

The delivery service provides quality services to the United Kingdom area. They partner with™ which books shipping for this company as well as other highly skilled service providers. Current rates can be found on the site including other important information to make the individual or business shipping experience a pleasant one.

Author's Bio: 

City Sprint leads the market in the United Kingdom for same day deliveries. It is the largest privately owned corporation of its kind. A fleet of over 1600 trucks are used for deliveries across the area. They also have a network of 31 service centers to provide a high number of deliveries annually. This same day courier offers a variety of shipping services including same day delivery, next day delivery as well as international shipping.