There are many factors to consider when choosing a massage school, as the institution where you get your training will play such an important role in your future career. The teachers, classes offered, flexibility of the course schedules, location of the school, costs, placement assistance and above all else the accreditation of the school, are all of the utmost importance. The following information should help you in your decision when choosing a school.

The teachers will make a huge difference in the experience you have and the massage therapy training you get. It’s a good idea to find out a little bit about the teachers before applying to a school, including their qualifications, teaching style and level of experience. The courses offered are just as important. You should have an idea of what massage styles you are interested in learning and which massage techniques are absolutely necessary for your future career. Find a school that offers all the classes you need to fulfill your state’s qualifications, plus training in any additional techniques you’re interested in. Also make sure the classes work with your schedule, whether you want to take a full time course load or balance classes with work and other commitments.

Location is everything as they say in the real estate world, and the same may apply to your massage school. It’s important to some people to have a school that is nearby so they don’t have to commute, although if the school has a great reputation, excellent instructors and all the classes you want and need, it might be worth commuting or relocating. It would be especially worth a long drive if the school offers placement assistance at the end of your training—this means they’ll help you find a place to work once you’re certified. The cost of the school is crucial as well, but make sure to look into all your financial aid options before making your final decision.

The most important factor to consider when choosing a massage school is the accreditation. Make sure the school you choose is accredited by a reputable agency and is recognized by your state’s governing board.

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Find the perfect Massage School today or Massage Therapy Colleges on and start your path to a rewarding career. is an online education resource providing information about top massage therapy schools of USA and Canada that are offering massage degree programs in various disciplines.