As you walk into the new Tyco headquarters in Boca Raton, FL you find yourself on “Main Street” with multiple store front signs such as a salon, Starbucks, technology store and eat well cafeteria. Amongst these stores you will also find a chiropractic office, massage therapy center, fitness center and primary care physicians. Once you realize you aren’t in a mall or a medical plaza, and are actually in a company headquarters, you become extremely impressed. It also becomes apparent that Tyco has made a concerted effort to improve the wellness and performance of their employees and is bucking the trend of most major corporations. This is a complete 180 from the old thought processes of how to incentivize the work force, and its truly remarkable.

Recently, our practice was fortunate enough to be asked to run the Chiropractic Care out of this corporation. When we were approached with this opportunity, I was extremely impressed they thought of Chiropractic as an integral part of this program and excited to be a part of such a company movement. Being an A.R.T. Corporate Solutions certified practitioner through Active Release Technique® I have had some experience on a small scale in other corporations, but this was going to be a much larger undertaking. Where would we start?

First, we wanted to come up with a program that includes evaluation and corrective strategies for workstation related pain syndromes, overall chiropractic wellness, and family care. Since all immediate family members of Tyco employees can receive chiropractic services at the facility, this will be an integral part of our patient base. Secondly, we wanted to educate all employees on ergonomics, work station stretches/exercises, and prevention of over-use strain at the workplace. In our experience, optimal management of desk-related pain is chiropractic, soft tissue manual therapy, ergonomic advice and postural correction through exercise and awareness. Prevention of pain and injuries should be the number one goal of any corporate wellness program, so implementing the above prior to pain is paramount.

In our practice we have treated many sports injuries, traumatic injuries and auto accidents utilizing chiropractic, rehab, Active Release Technique® and Graston Technique®. However, it seems that our most common patient these days is the computer/desk worker who sits for a living. As well, large corporations are seeing extremely high worker’s compensation costs due to these types of work related injuries. To quantify this, we will implement a record keeping system to compare the work comp costs prior to and after our program implementation. Our goal is to provide wellness for the employees and reduced costs to the employer. Since we have considerable experience in treating and preventing desk-related pain syndromes in our office, we have high expectations for our program at Tyco. All of what Tyco has assembled will come together to provide effective and convenient health solutions for both parties.

If you are a computer or desk worker and are suffering from pain related to this, or want to prevent the occurrence of such pain please contact us for your own personalized treatment and prevention plan.

Author's Bio: 

Kevin Christie is an experienced chiropractor Boca Raton that provides you a pain free life with chiropractic Boca Raton services. Chiropractic center for back pain, massage therapy, golf injuries, shoulder pain, sports injuries and more.