Child support enforcement agencies are the best partners to have on your side when trying to collect child support money. Their focus is on helping you attain the money that you have been long overdue. The child support collection process is one task that no one looks forward to. When people think of ways to acquire the money they are owed by the absent parent, they usually think of government agencies and all of the time and hassle involved with closing a successful case under their instruction. People often forget of the independent agencies that are available to help in child support recovery. These independent agencies such as child support enforcement agencies make the child support recovery process much easier and less time consuming than any government agency ever could.

Government child support agents are not only overworked and underpaid, but they also are not known for having the most pleasant attitudes or friendly atmosphere in their offices. While the entire country is facing budget cuts, job loss, and hiring freezes, the government’s child support services are no exception. On top of all of these problems, they were already facing limited funding to begin with.

Case workers have caseloads that are humanly impossible to complete in a timely manner. With all of the work they have on their plates, it is no wonder they seem to always be cranky, unfriendly, and in such a hurry. To this agency you are just a number. They do not have the time or the desire to get to know you and your situation on a more personal level. Communications about updates to your case are almost non-existent because of the heavy case load each employee faces.

Using a government agency is very time consuming. An appointment with this type of agent often means waiting an hour or more in a waiting room full of screaming and crying children. When you finally get to meet with your case worker, the meeting is always as short as they can possibly make it and updates are usually vague and unproductive. Communicating over the phone is almost impossible as once again you will face an extremely long wait time.
Independent child support agencies have an entirely different approach to the way they assist in helping you collect the money owed to you. From the minute of your first interaction you will feel important and at ease with their agents. They are friendly and welcoming and do their best to make your ugly child support battle as pretty as humanly possible. You will receive the best service possible with successful end results as quickly as possible.

Communication with these agencies is easy. Most of them offer 24/7 online access to your case and all updates associated with it. Contacting an agent through email or phone will prove successful and will yield you answers quickly. These agencies have experience dealing with hundreds of families who could not get the result they desired from the government. Child support enforcement agencies value you as their client and always accomplish their job of getting your money in the quickest and simplest way possible.

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Trying to collect your child support payments can be an exhausting and frustrating process. Contact Support Collectors and find out how they help make the process as straightforward as possible, especially when collecting child support in Texas and other specific states.