Beloveds, this is ADAMA. We are going to speak about Love now. This is not your average love. This is Deep Love. This is the type of Love that flows smoothly, without a hitch. The kind of love that takes time to develop. The intimate kind, that causes you to grow as an individual. This is the quality of Love that I am speaking of.

So please, let your hearts be open. Open, open, open. Can you face it? Can you face the Love that you are? Allow me to show you something.

Grab on to this idea. You are flowing down a stream, just going along, and you know you must steer because there are rocks ahead. So you sit up tall, grab your oars, and begin to navigate the water. So when you do this, you are taking initiative. This is a metaphor for how you survive on earth, as well. Since you were a baby, you flowed through life avoiding the rocks as best you could, looking for the free, open spaces. When asked what humans really want, most of them say, “to be free.” Deep down inside themselves, that is their goal. Who wouldn’t want freedom?

So let’s take this a step further. Let’s go on with the analogy. Let’s say you can’t steer any longer. You’re too tired. Life has got you down. Then what? What’s next? A quick exit? A detour into a stream you don’t know of? At this point, many people get frustrated, and want to quit, to give up. But hang on there. Or, should I say, “hang in there.” Don’t drop the oars yet.

This is when the moment of Faith comes. And Divine Inspiration comes in. It’s when you hit the rocks that you tune into something greater. It’s a natural response – instinctual. Humans do have an instinct for accessing the Divine, and it’s active all the time, whether you’re conscious of it or not. So don’t doubt that part – whether or not the Divine knows you are here and is responding to your requests. The Divine knows everything, even every heartbeat you make, and the breath you breathe in and out every moment.

So think about this: you are now surrounded by rough terrain, scary rocks, and your oars are broken and you’re tired. What next? The Divine gets closer, as you begin to express more desperation. You know, that some people only pray when they are in dire circumstances – even people who don’t believe in the existence of God will suddenly become very pious. You know that?! Yes, you do, we’ve all seen it or experienced it before.

So this is proof, that difficult life circumstances, even those – especially those – that feel unpopular and tiresome – these are the gates to God within you. I repeat: These are the gates to God within you. So let them carry you on. If you hit a rock, it’s okay. If you have to swim to shore, God is with you while you go. Then, She/He leads you into the forest perhaps, and you stumble upon an acquaintance or someone willing to share some food and lend help. Okay? So don’t resist where you are now. It is Divinely designed for your inspiration. Wow, huh? God made that happen for YOU.

Okay, I won’t preach at you anymore, my beloveds. This is merely my way of saying, “Get with it!” Because God is on your side, and don’t forget that. God is always, ever with you, even when you turn away and/or block Her/Him. There is always one more chance to reach out and say, “I’m here God, take me.” Each moment, repeat it if you must. God always hears.

So my beloveds, how does this apply to Divine Love I was speaking of? It IS Divine Love. Every moment you breathe, are you taking in the Love of Divine Essence? Do you allow yourself to be that every instance where you feel lost or alone? Or do you push it? Call on that Divine Love, it is you, always. It’s like reaching up to touch your nose. Except you forgot where your nose was. It is a funny analogy but it has relevance – reach for the divine with the same assurance and confidence you would reaching out to touch your face. It’s still there, always. You never lost it, even if for some bizarre reason you didn’t remember you had a nose. Come here, tell me you don’t have a face! Similarly, God is there. Just reach up and take hold. That instant of faith it takes to reach is what true Love is. When it permeates your existence, you will want for no more.

That is all. And so it is. Namaste, Beloved Ones.

Author's Bio: Erin Mackley offers Spiritual Direction (assisting one to unfold to their relationship with the Divine) with channeling and energy therapy. These things in combination assist individuals to clear their own energy fields and meet their personal, material and spiritual goals. She is a certified Reiki Master, StarFire animal healer, and has also trained with numerous spiritual teachers and healers. She interacts with the inter-dimensional aspects of consciousness, including Archangels, Divine Masters, and Nature Spirits to help clients heal and awaken. She is gifted with the capacity to convey blessings from the soul that awaken one's awareness to a greater or deeper purpose, as well as remove what is blocking one energetically from full expression of their purpose. Erin is available for private sessions as well as working with groups and children