Can you change your username on YouTube? The quick answer is “no.” But, the following steps will offer a few ways around that YouTube policy.
The only true way to create a new username is to delete your old account and start from scratch. But, before going to such extremes, you could also choose to link or unlink your YouTube channel and Google+ profile.
You may be used to changing your Instagram username every other day, but changing a username on a Google service, such as YouTube, is not as easy.
Once you have a Google account, the same account is used to access all Google services. With YouTube being a Google service, you do have the option of switching your YouTube username to your Google identity.
When you first signed up for YouTube, you were asked to create a username, and per Google policy, once set, the username cannot be changed. If you look under your account settings on your YouTube channel, you can read the policy that clearly states, “Unfortunately, it is not possible to change a traditional YouTube username.” Fortunately, it goes on to state, “You can, however, switch to a Google identity on YouTube.”
This can be done by linking your YouTube account with your Google+ account. While on your YouTube site, find your username in the top right hand corner and click on it, prompting a dropdown box. Chose the “YouTube Settings” option. Click on “Edit on Google+” found to the right of your username. You will be redirected to your current Google+ account. You can either use your current Google+ identity as your YouTube username, or you can change to a new name that fits all of your needs. You may want to edit your Google+ name. To do this, start by clicking on the name. A box will appear for you to type in a new username. Once you type in the new name and hit “Save,” this will be your new username for both Google+ and YouTube. It is important to remember that you can only change your Google+ name once every three months.
Once you have linked your Google identity to your YouTube channel, your Google+ identity will be what appears on your channel and any shared content, such as videos you’ve uploaded or the comments you have posted. Also, if you have a Google+ profile photo, this will become your YouTube avatar.
The one thing that will not change will be your YouTube URL. If you have a URL based on your old username (such as, that is how it will still appear even after linking to your Google+ account.
If you are trying to build your brand, linking your YouTube channel to your Google+ identity may be the right option. This will allow fans of your YouTube videos to connect with you through other social media avenues, thus allowing you to get or buy youtube views.
Just as you can link your YouTube channel to Google+, this process works in reverse as well.
When you first signed up for YouTube, you may have done so through your current Google profile. If this is the case, you can choose to switch to a “traditional” YouTube username instead of your Google+ identity. To do this, go to your YouTube account. Under your current username, you will see the option to “Return to (original) username and disconnect from Google+.” If you’re linked to your Google+ account after signing up for YouTube, this action will revert your account back to your original YouTube username. If you signed up for YouTube through your Google account, you will have to option of choosing a new username at this time. Remember, one you have chosen a YouTube username, you will be stuck with it, unless you delete your account or relink it to your existing Google profile.
If these options are still not getting you the final results that you are hoping for, such as an increase in retention from YouTube views, you do have the third option mentioned earlier. You can delete your current YouTube channel and create a brand new one.
Before deleting your account, decide if there are any videos you do not want to lose, or that you want to upload to your new channel. You will need to click on each individual video you want to save in your “My Videos” section of your YouTube site. Select “Download Mp4.” Don’t forget to also save the video’s metadata (title, description, tags, etc.) by clicking the “Edit” button. You may want to choose a website, such as, that allows you to save your YouTube videos as downloadable files. Many of these third-party providers have free options, while others require fees starting at around $19.99.
Once you have saved everything you want to transfer to your new channel, it is time to delete your account. Under “Settings” you can click on the “Overview” button, followed by the “Advanced” settings option. Under “Account Management,” you will see an option to “Close account and delete all services and information associated with it.” Understand that once you click this option, it cannot be undone. Be sure you are ready to lose all your preferences, subscriptions and channels, as well as any unsaved videos, before you follow through with closing your account.
Once you have deleted your old YouTube channel, it is time to create a new one. Go to the and click “login” Instead of logging on, click on the “Create an Account” option under the login box. You will then be prompted to answer a series of questions, including name, birthday, phone number, etc. And you will have the opportunity to create a new username and password.
Knowing what you do now, take time to come up with a username you won’t be tempted to change in the future. Once you have chosen your forever username and settled on a memorable password, you are ready to start uploading your old videos and posting new ones on to your YouTube channel.
This article is written by SF
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