I love challenges and I'm about to show you exactly how to change your life in 7 days. No fluff, no B.S. Here are the exact steps I took to get my life onto a trajectory for success. I lost 16 lbs., got the best performance review and bonus I ever had, started a business that I'm passionate about, and developed a higher sense of fulfillment and passion than I ever experienced using with this 30-Minute Makeover.

Enough with the intro. Here's exactly how to change your life in 7 days:

1. Get up 30-45 minutes earlier than usual and take a walk outdoors.

Sounds simple. But the mere act of moving your body outdoors first thing each day infuses your body with energy and centers your mind in a way nothing else can. Instead of waking up and immediately feeling like you belong to someone else - your family or your employer - make this your time. If you're out of shape, start small. I walked to the end of my driveway and back the first day and added more distance and time every day. The key is to be consistent and to keep it enjoyable. Don't turn this into a negative experience by straining your body. That's not the goal here.

2. Spend your walk time developing a sense of gratitude.

If you truly want to change your life in 7 days, you are going to have to make these walks count. You're not out there to let your mind wander or worse yet, start stressing out about your day. After you clear your mind with deep cleansing breaths, immediately start listing the things you are grateful about in your life. Whisper them under your breath if you need to but it's important to verbalize this list and to truly feel the sense of gratitude. Regardless of your situation there should be plenty to be grateful for. At a minimum, you should be grateful to be alive and able to walk!

3. Visualize your successful day.

To change your life in 7 days, you better have a clear set of goals that you want to accomplish. These long term goals should provide you with a daily action plan of steps that you will take to accomplish these life changing goals. If you know your action steps for that day, visualize yourself successfully accomplishing these steps as you walk. Again, affirming that you are successful with these steps while you are out on your morning walk goes a long way.

That's it!

Do this every day for at least a week and you will change your life in 7 days. You will be amazed at how much more energy you have, how centered and grateful you feel, and how your days become more productive and successful. You will also have a feeling of accomplishment that will snowball into bigger and better things. I started off this way and these small daily walks led me to change my entire way of eating, how I look at life, how I respond to stress, and how I focus on and accomplish my goals. This will change your life in 7 days!

Author's Bio: 

Hi I'm Rob Pierce and I'm passionate about showing people exactly how to transform and to improve their lives dramatically in 100 days through the power of goal setting and peak performance tools. To learn how you can change your life in 100 days, visit my page for the The 100 Day Challenge!. Thanks for reading!