The new wave in office computing is here, and it’s in the palm of your hand. The lines between work and non-work blur when your employees can carry access to all of your company’s business around in their pockets wherever they go, on a machine that’s neither customizable nor necessarily well-protected. Understandably, many managers are a little leery of embracing the new technology, despite its potentials for improved productivity, networking and communication. If you’re interested in the potentials of mobile computing devices, including next-gen phones and netbooks, Voice over IP (VOIP) services, CTI (computer-telephony integration) and unified communication, read on.

By Any Means Necessary

How do you maintain productivity when your employees aren’t physically around to watch their progress? Improved network mobility means that workers can work from anywhere. As such, it might make more sense to reward good workers, financially even, by how many projects they complete, rather than by the time they spend “working.” The other way that you, as a manager, can maintain productivity is to learn the lingo. Set up a Facebook account, set up your own Skype account so you can use VoIP with your workers.

General Security Risks

There are so many unknowns regarding many mobile networked devices on the market today. They can be divided into two categories:

* How safe is my network from the device’s unconscious mechanisms?
* How safe is my network from malicious intrusion attempts using the device?

Because devices are all third-party, you need to do your research before you okay the use of a mobile device on your business network. While Apple and the ubiquitous iPhone have too much to lose from poorly-functioning devices, smaller companies may not have the same security compunctions, opting instead for a quick profit. Consult your IT professional and only allow devices that have a proven track record!

Regarding malicious intrusion, the best way to combat that is simply to inform you. Inform yourself and inform your network administrators on the potential danger, and ask them to test out the system against wireless hacking attempts.

The Movement of Data

The rise of mobile computing has necessitated a huge data exodus from individual buildings, servers and filing cabinets to the broad Internet. Now, your information no longer has an address and a door, instead it has to have a website and marketing potential. Because company-specific data and consumer data are so close, chances are they’re likely to overlap some. This brings me to my final point:

Increased Transparency

Because of mobile communication, people expect to be in touch with their business all the time, at all hours of the day. This creates a culture of transparency, as the only way to maintain a healthy, thriving business is to share everything with everyone involved. This extends to customers as well – because customers also have utilize mobile computing, you need to manage your staff to be aware that at any point, someone could be surfing your website from their laptop. This can feel strange, but it is ultimately satisfying.

Where Do We Go From Here?

The Internet is only going to get more ubiquitous as time goes on. Human beings will believe that a wireless connection is every bit as much an inalienable right as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Rather than run away from revolutionary technologies like VoIP, CTI and UC, among other things, managers must learn to embrace and master these if they are to transform their team into its most productive self.

Author's Bio: 

Anthony Ricigliano thrives with 25 years of integrating the latest technological advances into business operations; Anthony Ricigliano Business is a point man capable of establishing and managing state of the art infrastructure to maximize operational efficiencies.