Today, most people enjoy the barest minimum when it comes to healthy hair. But people who lived centuries ago were rock stars as far as hair beauty is concerned. Even without loads of chemical shampoos and hair care products in circulation today, people in many ancient civilizations prioritized hair care using old hair growth remedies.

In many ancient cultures, the hair was considered a symbol of wealth, status, and sexual allure. For instance, ancient Assyrians were known for their massive curls of hair with colors enhanced using gold dust. To achieve this beautiful curly hair, noble Assyrians used curling tongs on their hair and maintained their beards with tree gum and other natural remedies.

Even today, women in places like India (well known for their lustrous and beautiful hair) still make use of natural herbal hair products. Natural hair remedies can also be used to clean and detoxify the hair. You can read more about how products like old style aloe rid shampoo are used by those looking to beat a hair follicle test by getting rid of toxins in their hair.

Today, maintaining healthy hair is a difficult chore and a battle many people are losing. Even with the myriads of chemical products available, most of them either don’t work or further exacerbate the problem. Perhaps the answer to hair problems and the key to strong, healthy, and beautiful hair is to go for centuries-old hair growth remedies. Here are some of the best options to consider.

1. Onion Juice

Arguably one of the oldest natural remedies for hair growth, onion juice is quite effective because it is rich in sulfur. Applying this natural hair juice can boost collagen production, which is crucial for the regrowth of healthy hair. All you need for this remedy is juice extract from a few onion slices. You can extract this by either grating or mashing the onion slices. Applying this juice to the scalp for a few minutes (about 10 to 15 minutes) does wonder on the scalp.

2. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is rich in beneficial nutrients like potassium, essential fats, and iron. These nutrients are effective in promoting natural hair growth. For this, you should use coconut milk extracted from fresh coconut instead of an over-the-counter product. You can also add other ingredients like lavender oil and lemon juice to the mix and apply to your scalp. Leave this one for an average of four hours then rinse off.

3. Egg Mask

Protein is one of the major nutrients the body uses in the formation of new hair, and egg is one of the natural sources of protein that you can easily apply directly to your hair. Eggs are also rich in other nutrients like zinc, sulfur, selenium, iodine, and phosphorus, all of which are quite beneficial to the hair. You can make an egg mask with egg white in a bowl mixed with honey oil. You can also add lavender oil, olive oil, or grapeseed oil to the mix and apply this paste to your hair and rinse off with cool water and mild shampoo after twenty minutes.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another well-known natural hair remedy. This natural product accelerates hair growth by helping to maintain the pH balance of your hair and cleansing the scalp. A diluted solution made with just 15ml of apple cider vinegar in a whole cup of warm water can be used to rinse your hair after washing.

5. Fenugreek

This is one herb that you are sure to find in any article about natural beauty remedies. Fenugreek has been in use since ancient times for treating hair growth issues. It is rich in protein and nicotinic acid, which stimulate healthy hair growth. A paste made from grinding one tablespoon of fenugreek mixed with little water, coconut oil, and milk can be applied to the hair directly then washed off with mild shampoo after an hour.

Other Notable Mentions

There is a long list of other natural hair remedies apart from the products mentioned. Some of them include lemon juice, rosemary, southernwood, Indian Gooseberry, green tea, chamomile tea, and so on. These can be combined with other ingredients or used along as natural remedies for a wide range of applications.


You can use any of these natural home remedies for healthier, stronger, and shinier hair. Note that this list is not an exhaustive one, and there are lots of natural remedies that can effectively replace all the artificial hair care products and chemicals you use on your hair. These natural remedies also offer the advantage of little to no side effects at all, which makes them perfect for all hair types. You can try out these natural home remedies and check out others like them as well.

Author's Bio: 

Kathrin Garner is an enthusiastic journalist and writes an article on social issues. As an activist, she takes part in the FMA Health program, which is a discussion platform on the relevant medical cannabis topics. So, if you want to know the best how to detox your body in a short time, feel free to contact her. Also, she is a volunteer at Global Advances in Health and Medicine.  She searches for current issues and writes about them to a wide range of readers.