Snoring, no matter how common it is, continue to disturb domestic peace in several homes. It is not only one of the noisiest bedroom intruders but can cause major marital discord – after all, for how long can the bed partner put up with such noise and sleeplessness that follow? One of the reasons why snoring continues unabated is because not many know the exact causes of snoring and hence are unable to cure it.

The redeeming feature about solving this common bedroom issue is that there are countless snoring remedies – available readily both online and from offline resources. But the point is which of these would suit you best?

To solve snoring problems, know why you snore

Perhaps the easiest way to solve a problem is to find out why the problem exists in the first place. Like solutions, there could be plenty of causes too. Snoring is no different. There are plenty of reasons why people snore. Which of these are pertinent to you?

If you know why you snore, finding a solution to solve the problem would not take much time.

What happens during snoring?

The real starting point of snoring is when people start to breathe through the mouth. Breathing muscles often collapse during sleep and block the air passage causing breathing difficulties. In this relaxed state, the muscles may also vibrate. The noise of vibration is known as snoring.

But why do breathing muscles collapse during sleep? Excessive body weight is one of the main reasons for this to happen. Obesity is not only gaining weight around the hips and waist but also on the muscles involved with breathing, like those associated with the throat, tongue, jaw, soft palate and uvula. Obesity makes such muscles weak and flaccid. This results in their collapse and blockage of the airway

Plenty of reasons for snoring – which of them look most likely?

Some usual reasons that make people snore:

Obesity – affecting the breathing muscles over and above other parts of the body
• Excessive consumption of alcohol
• Insufficient pillow height compels the sleeper to use the mouth to breathe
• Sleeping too much on the back cause nasal blockage
• Blockage of the nasal pathway can be caused by:
- Anatomical problems like deviated septum, crooked bone at the bridge of the nose, wrong alignment of jaws, etc.
- Polyps and tumors
- Nasal congestion
- Cold or allergies
• Age-related weakness of throat muscles. Old age can cause such muscles to collapse during sleep.

To put an end to the persistent snoring, you need to find out why you snore. This can then help the snoring doctor to recommend the best remedy that is not only most effective but also provides long-term solution.

Snoring may appear harmless but it has the potential to turn ugly when it worsen into sleep apnea, if neglected for too long. Incidentally, sleep apnea is one of the worst types of sleep disorders. Therefore it is in your own interest that you know the causes of snoring without any delay and solve the problem before it is too late.

Author's Bio: 

Learn everything you want to know about the causes of snoring. Visit Douglas Kidder's site where he discusses the different snoring problems and how to deal with it.