Homeopathic Medicines used in the treatment of Cataract:

Note that not all listed symptoms need be present for a remedy to work on the other symptoms. It is best to consult a homeopathic practitioner or a homeopathic repertory and materia medica to more fully repertorize your symptoms before embarking on homeopathic self-help. Electroacupuncture, kinesiological, or biofield testing may be helpful in zeroing in on the best remedy, or combination of therapies.

Among the homeopathic remedies that have been observed to help slow, arrest or reverse the progression of early cataracts, are those which follow:

Aconitum napellus
Agaricus muscarius
Allium cepa
Alumina (clay) for cataract with prolapsed lens following surgery (see also Staphysagria).
Ammonium carbonicum for cataract in the right eye (see also kali carbonicum, nitricum acidum and silicea).
Ammonium muriaticum (ammonium chloride, NH3Cl) for capsular cataract (see also colchicum autumnale).
Anacardium orientale (Semecarpus anacardium)
Antimonium tartaricum
Apis mellifica (honey bee)
Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate, AgNO3) when craving for, yet aggravated by sweets, with much intestinal gas. Gray spots and serpent like floaters. Intense pain and photophobia. Feels and walks hurried. Irritable.
Arnica montana for traumatic cataract from contusion (see also conium maculatum) or following surgery (see also Calendula officinales and Senega).
Arsenicum album (white arsenic, As2O3) for restless, anxious, despairing people with burning sensations made better by heat, and vision as if looking through a white gauze due to cataract. Fears death. Mental depression. Thirst for frequent small drinks.
Augustura (galipia cusparia)
Aurum metallicum (gold, Au) for anguished, despairing people with cataracts from mercury toxicity, with objects seeming foggy, smaller and more distant, with bruised feeling in orbital bones. Pains extend inward. Irritable, sensitive to noise. Mental depression.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) for cataract with lens appearing white.
Baryta carbonicum (barium carbonate, BaCO3) for stopping the advance of cataracts when accompanied by dry eye syndrome, scaly skin, floaters and photophobia with malnutrition and mental and physical deterioration. Swollen glands in neck region. Lens appears grey.
Bufo rana for cataract with lens appearing red or white.
Calcarea carbonicum (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) for fair, overweight people with circular lines visible in the lens, excess acidity, sensitivity to dampness and cold. Vision dim, misty, with pressure, itching, burning, cutting, stinging and watering sensations in the eyes.
Calcarea fluorica (calcium fluoride, CaF2) for cataracts with spots on the cornea and flickering sparks in the vision.
Calcarea phosphoricum (calcium orthophosphate, Ca3(PO4)2) for scrofulous people with aching eyeballs and head, especially on right side, corneal ulcers, cataract (helps stop progression), and watering eyes on yawning, with failing mental abilities. Vision appears as if looking through a veil due to cataract.
Calcarea sulphuricum
Calendula officinales (calendula) for cataract following surgery (see also Arnica montana and Senega).
Cannabis sativum (hemp, not available as a homeopathic in the U.S.) for photophobia, tearing, and redness of conjunctiva, with cataract and dimmed vision. Lens appears gray.
Capsicum annuum
Carbo animalis (animal charcoal) for senile cataract (see also secale cornutum) with weak feeling in eyes, as though lying loose in their sockets.
Causticum (potassium oxide) for incipient cataract (see pulsatilla, secale and sepia) with foggy vision or hemianopia. Lens appears reticulated (see also plumbum) and gray. Heaviness or ptosis of the upper eyelid. Warts on upper lid. Burning, itching, sandy feeling in eyes. Flashes of light. Peripheral paralysis of eye muscles (levator palpebrae superioris, orbicularis oculi, lateral rectus, or ciliary muscles). Sensitive to cold air blowing on eyes and to cold drinks, yet better in rainy weather.
Chelidonium majus (celandine) for weak, misty vision with reduced visual acuity, tearing, and knife-like pain in eyes aggravated by lights at night (e.g. headlights). Lens appears gray.
China officinalis
Chininum arsenicosum (quinine arsenite, C20H24N2O2) 3H3As2O33H2O) in scrofulous ophthalmia.
Cina (artimisia vahliana)
Cineraria maritima (dusty miller) is used topically as a specific remedy for cataracts, taken two drops 3 times a day. Changes may often be measured beginning after several weeks.
Cocculus indicus (anamirta cocculus)
Colchicum autumnale for soft cataract (see also secale cornutum and mercurius solubilis) with lens appearing green (cataracta viridis; see also Colchicum autumnale, Conium maculatum, Phosphorus and Pulsatilla) and for swelling of lens, as well as capsular cataract (see also ammonium muriaticum).
Conium maculatum (poison hemlock) for traumatic cataract following contusion (see also arnica montana) or other injury (see also tellurium) with myopia, photophobia, coldness or burning of eyes in open air, corneal ulcers, and difficulty openning eyelids. Inflamed tissue is hard to the touch. Can have great pain and photophobia with little or no inflammation. Vertigo disappears on closing eyes. Lens may appear black, gray or even green (cataracta viridis; see also Colchicum autumnale, Phosphorus and Pulsatilla).
Crocus sativus
Cubebae for cataract with lens appearing white.
Digitalis purpurea
Dulcamara (Solanum dulcamara)
Euphorbium officinarum for cataract with better vision on a dark day.
Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright) for cataracts associated with lachrymation, profuse flows of mucus from the sinuses and at night from the eyes, sticking the eyelids together. Swelling of eyelids. Stitching, smarting sensation on tearing. Photophobia. Pulsating head pain. Lens appears gray.
Graphites (graphite, C) for photophobia, mucopurulent discharge from the eyes, eczema of lids (and behind ears) with moist cracks which bleed easily, chronic marginal blepharitis, flickering sensation before the eyes, profuse tearing. Letters run together when writing. Vision blacks out when stooping.
Guiacum officinale
Hepar sulphurata
Hyoscyamus niger for cataract with lens appearing gray.
Hypericum perforatum (St. JohnÕs wort) for relief of congestion and pain associated with traumatic cataract in hypersensitive people.
Ignatia amara (St. IgnatiusÕ bean) for nervous people with seemingly contradictory symptoms and modalities (i.e. improvements and aggravations). Intense, occasional photophobia. Mental depression from grief and loss.
Iodoform for incipient senile cataracts and especially in rapidly progressing cortical cataracts with broad striae and patches of flocculent masses.
Kali carbonicum (potassium carbonate, K2CO3) for cataracts more advanced in the right eye (see also ammonium carbonicum, nitricum acidum and silicea), with sharp stitching pain in eyes, weak vision, and tearing. Puffiness and swelling like a sac between the eyebrows and lids. Bright sparks, blue or green spots before eyes.
Kali iodatum (potassium iodide, KI) for dim, foggy, indistinct vision. Iris appears dull and discolored. Eyes burn and tear. Iritis or choroiditis from mercury toxicity. Chemosis (redness) of eyes. Variable degrees of vitreous haze.
Kali muriaticum (potassium chloride, KCl) with chronic exudative inflammation. Interstitial keratitis.
Kali s.
Kali sil.
Lac caninum (dogÕs milk)
Lachesis mutus (bushmaster venom) for hypersensitive people with disorganized blood, foggy vision with black flickering, intra-ocular hemorrhages, especially in left eye, worse after sleeping.
Lycoperdon bovista
Lycopodium clavatum (club moss) has been known to stop the development of cataracts, often related to liver stress or absent menses. Reduced visual acuity with sensation of looking through a fine lattice. Poor night vision. May see a veil, flickering light or black spots. Mucus in eyes which must be wiped away to clear vision. Quickly feel full when eating.
Magnesium carbonicum (magnesium carbonate, MgCO3) for cataracts, with dim vision, black spots in vision, dry or profusely watering eyes, chronic blepharitis with eyelids stuck together in the morning. Lens appears gray.
Manganum carbonicum
Mercurius solubilis (mercury, Hg) for soft cataract (see also colchicum and secale cornutum) with misty vision, stitching pain in eyes, periodic loss of vision, aversion to light, black spots or sparks before eyes. Ulcer at lid margin. Ciliary injection.
Naphthalinum (naphthaline, moth balls, C10H8) for cataract starting with turbidity extending from the posterior capsule and periphery of the lens, with opaque radiating spokes extending inward from the periphery.
Natrum carbonicum
Natrum muriaticum (table salt, NaCl) for dim vision like looking through gauze or feathers, or as though objects are covered with a thin veil. Visual confusion and unsteadiness. Fiery zig-zig around all objects. Eyes fatigue with reading or writing. Pain in and above eyes with daylight. Eyes tear in open air. Mental depression from grief and loss.
Nitricum acidum (nitric acid, HNO3) for cataract in the right eye (see also ammonium carbonicum, kali carbonicum, nitricum acidum and silicea) with soreness on palpation of orbit area. Burning pain and corneal ulcers with tearing, pains like pieces of glass. Objects look dark, and vision is obscured when reading. Black spots in vision. Lens appears gray.
Nux vomica (Strychnos nux vomica, poison nut) sedentary, irritable, thin people who overdo things, with morning photophobia and dry eye sensation at inner canthus, with cloudy vision. Lens appears black.
Opium (Papaver somniferum, poppy, not available as a homeopathic remedy in the U.S.) for cataracts with lens appearing gray.
Phosphorus (P) for cataract especially in the left eye (see also sulphur), in people who bleed easily, even from small wounds, with a mist or gauze-like veil before the eyes and halos around lights. A sensation as if something were pulled tightly over the eyes. Black spots floating in vision. Aversion to light. ÒCataracta viridis,Ó i.e. lens appears green (see also Colchicum autumnale, Conium maculatum, and Pulsatilla).
Plumbum metallicum (lead, Pb) for cloudy vision that makes one want to rub the eyes. Dim vision on right side with tearing pain in eyes and forehead at night. Eyes feel too large. Lens appears reticulated (see causticum).
Pulsatilla (wind flower) for incipient cataract (see also causticum, sec. and sepia) in fair people, easily brought to tears, with dim vision, and tearing in open air. Mental depression. Thirstless, even with fever. Vertigo. Lens appears gray or green (cataracta viridis; see also Colchicum autumnale, Conium maculatum, and Phosphorus).
Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy) for corneal infection or pan-ophthalmitis following cataract surgery. Restlessness, aching increases with first motion, but improves with continued movement.
Ruta graveolens for cataracts with lens appearing gray.
Saccharum album (white sugar)
Sanguinaria canadensis
Sarracenia purpurea
Sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis)
Secale cornutum (ergot of claviceps purpurea) for incipient, soft (see also colchicum and mercurius solubilis) senile cataracts (see also carbo animalis) with dim vision, dilated pupil, eyes sunken and surrounded with a bluish margin. Fixed wild staring.
Senega (Polygala senega, Seneca snake root) for cataract following surgery (see also Arnica montana and Calendula officinales) with vision obscured, glistening before eyes, worse from rubbing eyes. Eyelids swollen. Eye pain as if pressed out with eyes being expanded, especially in dim light.
Sepia (squid or cuttle fish ink) for incipient cataract in women with uterine problems. Green halo around lights. Burning pain and pressure in eyes.
Silicea (quartz, SiO2) for cataract, especially right eye (see also ammonium carbonicum, kali carbonicum and nitricum acidum), following suppression of sweating, especially of the feet. Letters run together or look pale, like a gray cover obscuring the vision. Black spots and fiery sparks in vision. Photophobia. Tearing. Corneal ulcer. Sensitive to cold air blowing on eyes. Likes head wrapped warmly.
Spigelia anthelmintica
Stannum metallicum (tin, Sn)
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria) for prolapsed cataractous lens following surgery (see also Alumina).
Stramonium (Datura stramonium)
Sulphur (S) for poorly washed people with skin problems and cortical cataracts, especially of the left eye (see also phosphorus), with lens appearing gray. Burning, smarting in eyes feeling like a splinter of glass, dim vision, acrid tears.
Taraxacum officinalis (dandelion)
Tellurium metallicum for traumatic cataract following injury (see also conium and arnica) with ocular lesions causing the cataract.
Valeriana officinalis (valerian)
Veratrum album
Zincum metallicum
The earlier natural, preventive treatment has begun, the better is the success rate. Silicea can sometimes benefit in later stages, however, when the cataract is interfering severly with vision.

Other remedies prepared homeopathically may be beneficial. In addition to homeopathic preparations of the many nutritional and herbal factors listed in the sections above, additional factors involved in the prevention of cataracts may include pyruvate and ketoacids that protect the lens against oxidative damage.

The sarcode lens may be tested. Since the lens is at the end of the stomach meridian, stomach sarcode potencies and other appropriate stomach remedies may be considered.

Nosodes for cataract include Cataracta senilis (associated with increased myopia), Cataracta complicata (associated with eye diseases such as iridocyclitis, glaucoma, retinal detachment and pigmentary degeneration), and Cataracta brunescens (associated with yellowing of the lens nucleus). Responses to these nosodes and other remedies can be measured at EAV point ÒStomach 4.Ó

The nosode Coxsackie-Virus B4 is considered in conditions affecting avascular tissue such as the crystalline lens.

Homeopathic potencies of Cortisone may be tested as an isonosode if cortisone therapy is a cause of the cataract.

Complex homeopathy, such as Cataract Drops, containing multiple ingredients in a single formulation is another available option to consider. Another complex homeopathic remedy suggested by the same manufacturer for cataracts is Ear, Eye, Sinuses, along with vitamin C, vitamin E and Selenium.

Also consider Protomer or homeopathic Mercurius solubilis for removing Mercury. Heavy Antitox is helpful for other heavy metals.


Endnotes (see print version for placement in text):

Moffat JL. Homoeopathic Therapeutics in Ophthalmology. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 1982. p. 127.

Burnett JC. Curability of Cataract with Medicines. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 1989.

Berridge EW. Diseases of the Eyes. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 1984. p.36.

Norton AB. Ophthalmic Diseases and Therapeutics. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 1987. p.441-2.

Varma SD, et al. Scientific basis for medical therapy of cataracts by antioxidants. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 53:335S-345S, 1991.

Nosode Therapy in Practice. Baden-Baden, Germany: Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, 1985; p. 30-31.

Voll R. 2nd Supplement to the Four Volume Work: Topographical Positions of the Measurement Points of Electroacupuncture According to Voll. EAV Diagnosis of Eye Diseases, 15 New Measurement Points for Portions of the Eye, EAV Therapy for Eye Diseases, 5 New Approaches. Medizinisch Literarische Verlagesellschaft MBH, Uelzen, 1983. 96-97.

Available to doctors from Professional Health Products.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Glen is co-author of Natural Eye Care: An Encyclopedia.