Have you taken a trip in a small plane? I mean truly small… the type that requires a limit of one carry-on bag only? Aside from the apprehension that I personally feel about bouncing around in a small airplane, I feel a slight anxiety about the packing of this all-important bag.

“Carry on only,” the travel documents read; which means that one seemingly diminutive piece of gear has to contain absolutely everything that could be needed for the travel time and the destination. What do you do? It’s what we all do: lay out what you think you need and then…you pare it down.

1. You eliminate the excess: you do away with every bit of clothing that doesn’t make you feel absolutely fantastic (ok, maybe that’s mostly how girls think, but I bet a few guys do, too).
2. You eliminate anything that is too similar to anything else (for example: one pair of neutral flip flops, not 5 in every color).
3. You limit the toiletries and makeup to only what is really needed to allow you to make a good impression, and stay healthy.

There is something almost cathartic about packing this way, isn’t there? There is a sense of accomplishment when you can look at that small, efficiently pared-down bag of stuff, and know you’ll be just fine.

“Paring down” your message, or your story is a requirement for media opportunities, and is often just as tough a thing to initially comprehend. Experts are usually passionate about their field of work, and eliminating anything about our story may not seem possible at first. There is an attachment that develops to the intricacies of what makes us tick and the experiences that drive us. However, making the most of a television opportunity means relaying that passion in short 15 to 30 seconds sound bites.

It may sound cold, or as though you are manipulating your message but actually, the audience attention will stay with you when your expressions are shorter in length.

Bonus #2: Shorter sound bites can be lifted and re-used. Examples:

1. A concise answer to an interview question may be re-broadcast during a similar news period where they need an expert “quote”… there you are again. Doubling your exposure.
2. A short version of your message will be a perfect video clip for your website, (or an affiliates website!) quickly building rapport with site visitors and increasing your conversion rate up to 300 percent!
3. Eliminating specifics of your story allows room for future questions and more in-depth interviews later. If you don’t lay it all out first time, you can be asked back to the interview show, if at all possible. That’s how experts are “recognized.”

I hope this makes sense as you are contemplating what “stuff” to pack in your virtual “carry-on bag” on the way to an interview. Keep only the good stuff that makes the best impression by letting go of negative words and phrases. Then, eliminate any elements that are too similar in order to eliminate redundancy, and be sure to include what is at the heart of your passion for what you do; What drives you is something that you can relate every time that you appear as an expert.

One last essential to include is as important as toothpaste… be sure to always make yourself available by including your website address, or some way people can find you after the show is off the air; there may be a producer of an even bigger show needing you ASAP, and they need that info!

Your journey can be as great as your destination.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Dee Robinson has spent nearly all of her life in front of a camera: as an actor (including Another World, Sunset Beach, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, Two and a Half Men, Criminal Minds, Secret Life of an American Teenager and TV movies) and as a TV host and product spokesperson. For the past several years, Sandra has been coaching entertainment reporters and television hosts and she founded Charisma on Camera to expand her clientele to professionals in any field. Her current clients include authors, life coaches, politicians, business men and women that want to solidify their presentation as a platform to establish themselves as an expert guest, successful speaker or even host their own show. Sandra loves finding the hidden "gems" in each individual that can magnetize an audience, and watching her clients¹ confidence on camera soar as they polish their personal brand for TV success.

Contact us at: info@charismaoncamera.com