Recent investigations have shown a link exists between gene signatures found in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and breast cancer. Our Canadian pharmacy believes the discovery will help researchers predict risk of malignancy accurately. The process already exists for breast cancer, but similar indications have been identified helping medical practitioners increase prognostic value while detecting one of the most prevalent lung cancers in the United States and worldwide.

Patients diagnosed with NSCLC have reduced survival rate. Approximately 40% to 70% patients survive the disease, while 30% to 50% are likely to suffer from relapse even after undergoing surgical procedures to remove malignant tissue or tumors. The high rate of fatality can be attributed to standard treatment options like chemotherapy failing to increase rate of survival or afford adequate relief from symptoms even after extended an treatment period.

Tool Found Linking Risk of Cancer and Progression of Disease

By identifying gene signature indicating risk of malignancy, researchers have been able to design the required tool necessary to indicate the two important factors of cancer, progression and risk. By identifying similar gene signatures existing in patients suffering from breast cancer or NSCLC, a common tool can now be designed to help initiate preventive measures after early prognosis.

Relapse is difficult to predict as metastasis sometimes spreads across to other parts of the body in small proportion making it difficult to detect and treat the condition. Local malignancy can be effectively treated through the resection process and metastasis prevented by initiating adjuvant treatment options including chemotherapy and prescription drugs. People often buy Tarceva from our Canadian pharmacy for its effectiveness. Sufficient research data has been accumulated from earlier studies conducted on breast cancer. Progression and cancer risk factors can therefore be safely assumed for similar conditions existing in NSCLC.

Matching Statistical Figures Simplify Cancer Identification

Genes demonstrating similar signature value that help distinguish between malignant and normal tissue also help establish a definite molecular structure. These patterns have already been established in breast cancer and are classified into different groups. More importantly, detecting early-stage NSCLC has now become easier with the help of malignancy-risk gene signatures.

Researchers based at the Moffitt Cancer Centre in Florida were able to successfully link proliferative gene signature by conducting lab tests on tissue samples drawn from 442 patients suffering from NSCLC. The aim was to classify molecules found in lung adenocarcinoma cases into categories capable of predicting survival rate in patients. General categories indicating the groups of patients with low and high risk factors could then be further categorized into groups indicating precise patterns capable of initiating precise prescription medication.

Consistency of results is important in establishing a system capable of predicting and treating NSCLC patients. Increasing overall rate of survival must be the primary aim of cancer research. Our generic Canadian pharmacy suggests designing malignancy risk signature gene patterns across different forms of cancer. At present, malignancy tests may be similar for breast cancer as well as NSCLC, but further research efforts may help scientists find similar patterns existing in other cancers as well. Finding a permanent cure for NSCLC may be possible, if linking factors are consistent enough leading to lower drug resistance.

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