Women may find a break up particularly hard to cope with when they really love their boyfriend and they just want to find some kind of common ground to work things out. Using the No Contact Rule, though is an excellent way to make progress with your boyfriend and get him to really value how special your relationship was.

All you have to do for a month is stop contacting your ex boyfriend as much as you possibly can.

This gives time for you to heal from the breakup and for your ex boyfriend to truly begin missing having you in his life.

Let's have a more detailed look at how the No Contact Rule will work on your ex boyfriend.

In the first place, he'll have to live with the effects of the breakup. You can't see him or try to warm up to him at all. You have to completely do a disappearing act.

Perhaps, this will get him to begin missing having you in his life. He'll often miss you after a few weeks or a month even if the two of you really had a bitter break up. Without warning, he might reach out to you and try to contact you during this period. As far as you're concerned, moreover, use this one month as time to heal yourself from the breakup pain you are going through.

After a breakup, it can be hard to move on when you're always around your ex reliving all the pain and suffering of the break up overtime you hear news about their new partner or how they are so much happier without you.

To help take your mind away from the break up, it can help to find an activity or hobby you enjoy to focus on. Now would be a great time to delve into hobbies and interests that you've let slip while you were in your relationship.

In addition, taking up a new pastime can help you boost your sense of confidence and self-esteem as you make strides of achievement with your hobbies and endeavors. Progress feels good!

After one month without contact, your ex boyfriend's attitude toward you might surprisingly change. Out of the blue, he'll be missing you where before he took you for granted. In addition, he'll be astounded by your newly discovered sense of confidence in yourself. This will make you pretty much irresistible to him.

Do yourself a favor by using the No Contact Rule today to help you with your breakup as this alone can often be enough to help you get back together.

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