“Can Two-Minutes Produce Up To Six-Hours Of Energy?”
• 1. “Would you spend two-minutes programming a new thought & emotion into your Mind - if you had experiential proof it delivers your Goals?”

• 2. “Things you set as goals & work for, are almost always producing – ‘What-You-Want’ in-your-relationships-and career.” Your consistent thoughts & emotions create your most important behaviors & success.

• 3. Here’s the specific phrase to Repeat, Emotionalize & Mentally Visualize four-times, daily. Focus on 2-3 of your Goals, and visualize your desired End-Results.

• 4. These powerful Seven-Words inhibit “doubt”, & create a new “habit & belief” after two-minutes daily use for 21-days. That’s how long it takes to form a new-habit.

• “Things are almost always working out for me!”

• “Things are almost always working-out for me!”

• “Things are almost always working-out for me!”

• “Things are almost always working-out for me!”

• 5. Brainiacs: Want to Double your Energy & remove “resistance”?

• “Smile intentionally, showing your teeth & squinting your eyes while you “chant” this positive-affirmation.”

• 6. Research with about 2,500 who regularly used this technique (strategy) for 21-days was up to 87% positive. They continue to use this Mind-Experiment for Success in school & career.

• 7. We suggest that you ‘Turn-On-Tune-In, &Tap-In’ to these powerful 7-words. Act as-if, Feel as-if, Believe as-if, you are taking your Mental daily vitamins or Energy-Drink. You decide how it improves your life.

• 8. One-more-once:

• “Things are almost always working out for me!”
“Things are almost always working out for me!”
“Things are almost always working out for me!”
“Things are almost always working out for me!”
See ya,
copyright © 2013, Bernard Wechsler

Author's Bio: 

Bernard Wechsler, Director of Education for Speed Reading101.org My original business partner was Evelyn Wood,
creator of Speed Reading, graduating 2-million, including the
White house staffs of four U.S. Presidents. We hold one-day
workshops in SpeedReading101 at Columbia University in NYC,
and have At-Home, Online programs for your convenience.
Email me at hbw@speedlearning.org to answer any questions.