While you may want to pursue a breast augmentation procedure, you may also be wary about receiving implants. In the past, that may have left you with little options and, even today, most people in that position end up giving up on the idea of a breast augmentation. Fortunately, advances in techniques have made it possible to collect fat cells from other parts of the body and use them to enhance the patient's breast size. For some women, this may be preferable to getting traditional implants.
A Deeper Look at Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
You may have heard the procedure referred to be a few different names, but it's most commonly called autologous breast augmentation or stem cell breast augmentation. The latter name for the procedure tends to conjure up false impressions, so most specialists avoid its use. The term "stem cell breast augmentation" is only partially accurate. While stem cells are utilized in the procedure and do have the ability to adapt to whichever part of the body they're administered, they cannot be implanted alone. In order to have an effect on the patient's breast size, stem cells must be liposuctioned and transferred to the breasts along with healthy fat cells.
Autologous breast augmentation is a much better term, because the word "autologous" simply refers to cells or tissues transferred from one part of the patient's body to another part of the same patient. Fat cells are taken from a part of the patient which has a surplus of fat cells. The cells are injected into the breasts, eliminating the need for implants. An additional advantage to this procedure is that, once the breasts fully heal, they will look and feel more normal than might be the case with implants.
While this is a surgical procedure, the sites of incision are extremely small. The opening from the site of liposuction is typically just four millimeters and the injection site leaves an equally small incision. This means the incisions heal faster and the chances of scarring are virtually eliminated as well.
This type of breast augmentation has been found to be very successful, even when compared to traditional implants. In women with healthy breasts, there have been lower rates of follow-up procedures, when compared to the re-operations needed to correct implant augmentations. In women needing reconstruction following breast cancer treatment, fat transfer augmentations have produced far fewer complications than those augmentations done with implants. Women having the procedure done have been satisfied with the results in those instances and research has found no evidence that a fat transfer promotes the recurrence of cancer.
What You Can Expect From the Procedure
Since this is a medical procedure, your doctor will go over the specific details for your situation with you. However, there are common things that you can expect, including the risks that are involved in having the procedure performed. Common risks include the formation of cysts, infection, the death of the fat cells (necrosis), microcalcification, and the likelihood that some of the transferred fat cells will migrate away from the breast area. During your consultation, your doctor will discuss how likely you are to develop these side effects and may offer suggestions to help minimize those risks.
The procedure will begin with the harvesting of your fat cells. You and your surgeon will previously have identified an ideal site for this and, as the procedure begins, that area will be desensitized with a local anesthetic. Once the incision is made, the surgeon will insert a small tube, known as a cannula, into the opening. Once the cannula is connected to a special syringe, the surgeon can begin extracting the fat cells from the area.
Once the fat cells are removed, they will have to go through a cleansing process. This will remove impurities from the cells that may otherwise cause complications. The fat cells will also have to be transferred to a smaller syringe, which will enable the cells to be injected into the breasts.
After the breasts have been prepared for the procedure, the surgeon may use a cannula or insert the syringe directly into the incision. Either way, the device will be inserted multiple times, injecting a line of fat cells into the area with each pass. The process will be repeated, until the desired level of augmentation is achieved. Depending on your surgeon, he may then massage the area to better manage the contouring of the breast.
This procedure opens up the possibility of breast augmentation to women who want to avoid implants. Since the quality of a woman's breasts can affect her own self-worth and feelings of adequacy, this procedure helps patients to regain a stronger sense of self-confidence. Whether for reconstructive purposes or simply to enhance her natural breasts, the augmentation can help any patient achieve more ideal proportions. This is why breast augmentation has become one of the most often sought procedures in the field of cosmetic surgery.
Why Choose Dr. Douglas Steinbrech?
If you would like to know more about fat transfer breast augmentation, an initial consultation will answer many of your questions. Dr. Douglas Steinbrech was named one of the country's best plastic surgeons by Consumers Research Council of America and adds more than eight years of practical training at New York University to his education and experiences. In addition to breast augmentation in New York, Dr. Steinbrech also performs breast reduction, tummy tuck and liposuction procedures.
Dr. Douglas Steinbrech has been featured in a number of well-known magazines. He has been the subject of articles in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and in Elle Magazine. In addition to his practice, Dr. Steinbrech also conducts lectures around the world, discussing topics related to cosmetic surgery and sharing his insights on the latest techniques. He has been recognized for his advanced expertise across the country and throughout the world, as well as by his own satisfied patients. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Medical Association, and Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, as well as maintaining memberships with several other professional organizations.
You can contact Dr. Douglas Steinbrech at www.drsteinbrech.com for more information.
Hello, my name is Karen Cole 40 years-old woman, living in Philadelphia, United States. I am the founder and editor-in-chief of the HealthBenefitAdmin online magazine and I am responsible for the published content that would help my precious readers to live as happily, healthily and sustainability as possible.
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