It does not matter if you are a college student that is preparing to give your final exam or an employee of a big company, both face the pressure to perform. The pressure to perform can be overwhelming, and not many can cope with it. In order to meet deadlines people work for 16-17 hours at a stretch. In situations like these the brain is put under a lot of pressure. The brain handles such pressure by using more energy than usual. The body is unable to replenish the energy at the same speed that it is being used. This has consequences on the brain resulting in poor memory and concentration. People turn to drugs like Ritalin to improve their memory. However, Ritalin is not the best option.

For those of you who are not familiar with it, Ritalin is a stimulant medication that is used for the treatment of disorders in little children. This drug is categorized under schedule II drugs, making it illegal to purchase without a prescription. These drugs have a number of side effects on the body too, it causes anxiety, shortness of breathing, hair loss, nervousness, insomnia, headaches, and addiction. In some cases, patients have been known to experience side effects like disturbing thoughts, aggressive behavior, and psychiatric problems like bipolar disease.

The use of stimulants are discouraged as it causes strokes, heart attacks, and in some cases even death. It is safe for children to use as it is only prescribed to them after they undergo a thorough a examination, and the drug is administered in small doses. On the other hand, college students undergo no such examination and acquire the drugs without a prescription, which is illegal. The consequences of such an act are severe. Chances are that a college student may have an undiagnosed heart problem or high blood pressure, in an event like this taking Ritalin could escalate the problem. Cases have been reported in which young college students with a heart disease have died after the use of Ritalin.

It is a misconception of most people that stimulants are cognitive enhancers and memory boosters. It does not promote learning or increase academic performance. It only helps a person to stay awake for longer hours, neither does it help a person concentrate longer or retain new information faster. Instead of taking pills as unhealthy as these one can opt for a healthier option like drugs made using a Ritalin alternative. There are a number of them available in the market. Some of the best Ritalin substitutes are used in Doxiderol.

Doxiderol is made using two Ritalin substitutes that increases the academic performance of a student in a healthy way. It is made using only natural ingredients. The effect of this pill is felt with 15 minutes of consuming it. A person taking Doxiderol will experience less fatigue and much better concentration. The side effects of this memory booster are zero. The Ritalin alternatives used in this pill are acetyl-L-carnitine and vinpocetine.
If you want to know more about this pill you can check out their website. You can even order your pills online.

Author's Bio: 

Doxiderol is a nootropic that is made up of completely natural ingredients. It also serves as a caffeine substitute though it contains caffeine, as it contains ingredients that stop the side effects of caffeine.