Butterfly releases for weddings, butterflies for funerals, butterfly release for birthday parties. Why are butterflies perfect for any event or occasion?

Butterflies for WeddingsButterflies for Weddings
The Majestic Butterfly
Butterflies are like flying flowers. Graceful and Beautiful, each one with it's own unique look. Butterflies are enchanting. Butterflies lead you to the sunshine in life. Everyone can use a little more sunshine. Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes. Live butterfly releases for weddings. Why is it a great idea? Because it will make your wedding the most memorable experience for the bride and groom, and all the guests! The release of live butterflies at wedding ceremonies creates a spiritual symbolism to the amazing occasion. The butterfly release will signify the beginning and emergence, even birth of a new life for two people that are joining together to share their ups, downs, joys, sorrows, and everything in between with each other.

When these butterflies are released, they will fill the air around you and your guests with endless colors and beauty. This is something special that you don't see in many weddings. Your guests be impressed and in awe. It will create a special moment that is impossible to be forgotten. A joyful memory in their heart forever. The release is elegant and absolutely beautiful, which creates the absolute perfect photo opportunities for everyone.

Butterflies for Funerals

Butterflies carry a lot of symbolism. In multiple cultures, butterflies signify the changes and transitions that people go through in their lives. By the end, we are no longer the same as when we first started in our lives. It's known that butterflies symbolize the soul, transition and even celebration and joy of a person's life. These things can be all part of remembering your loved one. Releasing butterflies at a funeral memorial service is a beautiful way for celebrating a life well-lived. Particularly Painted Lady Butterflies, as this type of butterfly represents transformation in nature. Releasing Painted Lady butterflies symbolizes a transcendence that your loved one has been through. It is a unique way to remember and honor your lost loved-one.

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Butterfly releases for weddings, butterflies for funerals, butterfly release for birthday parties. Why are butterflies perfect for any event or occasion?