I wrote this en route home from Atlanta, after another inspiring three-day retreat with my business coach Christine Kane, and hundreds of women (and a few men) entrepreneurs. With a blend of holistic wellness meets new ways of marketing, we were takin’ care of business with soul and strategy. By examining and challenging our beliefs, thoughts and actions – those that serve us or defeat us – combined with learning about strategic systems, technology, social media and more, upleveling our businesses became “mission possible.”

Here are 10 things I learned about connecting mind, business and soul.

1) Mindset first: skill set second.

This is one of Christine Kane’s mantras. A person’s inner work and state of being always affects outer success. As Christine tells her clients: the reason we set goals at all is because of who we become as we’re reaching them. Anyone in business, particularly entrepreneurs, must continually deal with their mindset, intention and actions. Thoughts become things, so it’s critical to choose good ones.

2) Soul AND strategy create desired outcomes.

You can’t be all “love” and no action. We can amp up our businesses (and our lives) with just the right combination of spiritual mojo, left-brain strategy and new approaches to marketing that promote authenticity and connection.

3) Every profession is a service profession. (To quote Harrison Ford)

Businesses are here to serve people. Without clients, customers or ”peeps” to pay for your product or service, you don’t have a business – you have a hobby.

4) Setbacks are keys to solutions.

If we view problems differently, obstacles faced in business often become portals to finding ways to overcome them and serve clients better.

5) Honor where you are and what you need.

In business and in life, old models, ideas and benchmarks must be released, before you can identify new possibilities, and the support you need to get there.

6) More conversation, less presentation.

The new way of marketing is all about personal connection, resonance and being real. Your website, blog, business letters, products and services etc. should all speak to and with the people you serve.

7) Success is never on sale.

When we discount or devalue our skills and expertise, it causes our business (and our selves) to contract rather than to expand.

8) A big dream without a roadmap is a dangerous thing.

Without a clear vision, structure and plan, fear and doubt easily enter in and take you – and your business – off course.

9) You must exit your comfort zone. We’ve heard this before, but growth often requires risk, and moving through fear, discomfort and unfamiliar territory. The sweetest fruit is always out on a limb.

10) When you’re interested you’ll do what’s convenient, when you’re committed you’ll do what it takes.

Success requires commitment. What more is there to say?

What ways do you add a little soul to your success or business?

Author's Bio: 

I’m a girl from the Canadian prairies who likes wide-open spaces, fresh ideas, a great story, and inspiring environments, buildings and art of all kinds. I have written feature stories about architecture, urban, rural and lakeside living, cool neighbourhoods, and everything from business to pleasure (tourism and travel).

I believe that powerful writing, too, can link the artistic with the practical.

My feature writing has appeared in: Ottawa Citizen, Winnipeg Free Press, The Western Producer, The Cottager, Manitoba Business Magazine, Manitoba’s Northern Experience, Home & City, Manitoba Gardener, Ciao and up! (WestJet’s magazine).

Barbara Edie