Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that means “knowledge of life”. Broken down “Ayus” means life and “vedas” means knowledge. Ayurvedic Medicine is a form of Alternative medicine. It is Traditional Indian Medicine that scholars seem to be in a debate about over when it actually began. The general consensus is that it began roughly 4000 to 5000 years ago. Scholars have gone on to say that Ayurvedic Medicine is the oldest form of medicine around and that it was what influenced Greek medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Due to this claim, Ayurvedic Medicine has been labeled the “Mother of all Healing”. It is the art of balance and longevity.

Ayurveda has it roots in an ancient religion and that religion is Hinduism. In the beginning and for many years the practices of Ayurveda were passed down by word of mouth. When people first began to write down the practices of Ayurveda it was written on to palm leaves and then later on people began to write it down on to manuscripts. These medical manuals are known as the “Charaka Samhita” and the “Sushruta Samhita” and are rooted in early Vedic culture. The Vedic culture is inherently spiritual and focuses on love, philosophy and “Universal Truths”.

The Ayurvedic doctor first takes a case history of the patient. From here the diagnostic approaches of the East and West diverge. Rather than ordering blood tests and x-rays, the Ayurvedic practitioner then examines the face, skin, hair, hands and other external characteristics of the patient to ascertain the fundamental constitution and the current condition of the body. Rather than recommending as assortment of prescriptions, the Ayurvedic doctor advises an appropriate dietary regimen, behavioral modifications and the use of different types of herbal medicines.

The Ayurvedic doctor first takes a case history of the patient. From here the diagnostic approaches of the East and West diverge. Rather than ordering blood tests and x-rays, the Ayurvedic practitioner then examines the face, skin, hair, hands and other external characteristics of the patient to ascertain the fundamental constitution and the current condition of the body. Rather than recommending as assortment of prescriptions, the Ayurvedic doctor advises an appropriate dietary regimen, behavioral modifications and the use of different types of herbal medicines.

Alternative medicine is a term to describe healing practice that is beyond conventional medicine. A few popular form of highly commercialized alternative medicine are Naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, meditation, homeopathy and diet-based therapies. Frequently grouped with complementary medicine, alternative medicine comes from different foundations and practices.

Simultaneous to enacting dietary changes for ayurvedic hair care the patient must also harmonize his spirit and mind. The use of ayurvedic hair oil and massage is able to not only moisturize, soften hair, and improve blood flow but also strengthen ones spirit and clear the mind. The effects of massage vary with the time of day; ayurvedic hair oil must be used in the evening as it is for calming purposes.

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