Investing your marketing dollars in operating a booth at a Business Expo or Trade Show can be expensive. It is not something you do on a whim. You must have a strategy to stand out from the crowd. My three tips below will help you brand your business while at your next trade show or business expo.
1. Wear comfy shoes – you will be standing all day on your feet. You must ditch the sexy stilettos and wear comfortable shoes. Your back will appreciate it. Standing on concrete or tile all day will make your legs and feet hurt. But, whatever you do – do not sit down. You must stand in order to appear approachable. No one will approach you if you are sitting down reading a magazine, eating or playing with your cell phone.
2. Uniform – now is the time to look your best. You will want to ensure you and your staff are wearing uniforms that are clean, ironed and free from tears, rips and stains. A person will size you up in less than 15 seconds and form an opinion. Also, they may not stop and speak to you but your brand will be implanted in their minds. They will recall later when they see your business name or logo in print or hear someone talk about your business that they saw you at the tradeshow or business expo. You want to leave him or her with a favorable image.
3. Smile – yes, wear a smile. I have attended various business expos and trade shows where the people working the booth were sitting or standing looking grouchy. Guess what, I did not stop. But, I did tell others that the people working the booth looked mean and grouchy. Remember, people do business with those they know, like and trust. A smile is inviting and builds trust. People are drawn to others that smile. Do not let a frown keep people from approaching your booth.
I want you to think billable hours. You want a good return on your investment. People may not stop at your booth but they will remember your brand as they walked past you. Remember to always wear comfortable shoes so you won’t be tempted to sit. Wear a pristine uniform and always smile. This is your one shot to wow the attendees and you want your brand rooted in their memory.
Dream Catcher, Business & Life Coaching is a Veteran Owned Business. Coach Jaynine is a retired United States Marine and former psychotherapist who works with Veterans and those on Active Duty. Jaynine will show you how to increase your visibility while developing your expertise. Whether you are a Veteran Business Owner or still on Active Duty, Coach Jaynine is the coach for you. She will teach you the systems and strategies needed to grow your business, have a successful military career, or transition into civilian life. You can start turning your dreams into reality by signing up for her free ecourse My 5 Secrets to Networking Success
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