This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Spiritual Healing. Spiritual Healing is the use of spiritual or religious practices to help the healing process. Rebbie Straubing is the Official Guide to Spiritual Healing. Healing Prayer: Spiritual Pathways to Health and Wellness, by Barbara Shlemon Ryan, is a valuable resource for people interested in Spiritual Healing Prayer and it is available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

This book is the fascinating personal account of a registered nurse’s experiences with prayers that heal the body of illness or injury. Healing Prayer is full of true stories and informative “tips” for those unfamiliar with this type of prayer.

Barbara Shlemon Ryan is President of Beloved Ministry. She is a Roman Catholic laywoman, actively involved in evangelism since 1965. Barbara travels nationally and internationally as a retreat director, workshop leader, and conference speaker.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Spiritual Healing. Spiritual Healing is the use of spiritual or religious practices to help the healing process. The Official Guide to Spiritual Healing is Rebbie Straubing.

Dr. Rebbie Straubing is a pioneer of spiritual healing and an internationally acclaimed student of the Abraham-Hicks teachings. In her unusual work, Rebbie prefers to replace the word "healing" with the phrase "Joyful Harmonious Expressiveness" or simply "jhe" and she has developed the groundbreaking system of spiritual healing called "YOFA jhe Sessions."

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Rebbie Straubing, the Official Guide to Spiritual Healing