Now that you have made up your mind to go to the gym, you cannot afford to let some things stand in the way of your fitness dreams. So many body builders failed to achieve their fitness dreams because they barely knew the facts and realities surrounding it. Just like it is in every field of life, a certain amount of education is needed before you start a journey. After all, there is a truth in the saying that we fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.
I have highlighted some facts that I think you need to know, if you ever want to achieve your fitness dreams.

Foods and supplements
The idea that body building supplements can replace body building diets has been a long standing debate. This is owed largely to the lies and fallacies usually instigated by the manufacturers of body building supplements. Attractive adverts and brand names are all marketing strategies an MUST remain so in the eyes of all those interested in building their bodies.

To build your body perfectly, you need a good diet and the best bodybuilding exercise that you can ever have. Supplements can never replace your diets or exercises, they are there to enhance the body's adaptability and modify results especially for those who do not possess a natural body building physique.

Are Fats Really bad?
I know the sudden rush you had just to say yes, but wait and read this. Truly, fats may not a healthy choice when it comes to body building, but not all fats are bad. There are healthy fats that will help you burn unhealthy fats. In your diets, feature foods that are rich in healthy fats like polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Fats might not be good but eliminating them from your diet is not the best thing to do.

More Training, More Muscles
This may work in other areas of life but certainly not in bodybuilding. It is a big lie that constitutes hazard. All body building exercises serves as stimulants or stimulus for the muscles to adapt to intense training and grow faster, while the muscles grows when you rest. Working out your muscles continuously will result in loss of muscles due to over training. Always listen to the moods of your body and allow sufficient time to elapse after rigorous workouts. This will give your muscles time to recover and speed up body building.

Good workout versus Consistency
In this debate consistency is the best. An important component for long term success or short term failure is the level of one's consistency. No matter how rich your diets are and how intense your workouts are, they will yield poor results if they lack consistency.

You Can Get As Big As A Pro Bodybuilder Without Taking Steroids
Irrespective of what magazines say about pro bodybuilders, you can truly gain muscle mass without steroids. It may take time but with consistency and good diets you will be able to change your body dramatically. This will earn you your self-respect and good health.

Workout sessions should not exceed an hour
This is absolutely true, when it comes to bodybuilding, less is always more. If your workout sessions last for more than one hour then you are most likely overworking yourself and will experience a rapid decline in your blood sugar levels and a drop in your testosterone level. Cortisol, the stress hormone, will be released in large quantities creating an avenue for fat storage and muscle breakdown.

Nutrition versus workouts
Even though some people will want to argue this topic till they arrive at one conclusion, the truth still remains that both bodybuilding diets and exercises are important for healthy bodybuilding results. While bodybuilding exercises will help stimulate your muscles and make them grow faster, bodybuilding diets will help you maintain your new body, and provide materials from which more muscles will be built. You must bear in mind that bodybuilding results are revealed when extraneous fats are lost, and by maintaining a lean diet and consuming fat burning foods, you will get this easily.

Author's Bio: 

James G Perkins is the Owner of A resource website where he shares his secret of getting a six packs abs within 90 days. You can download his free eBook where he talks about the best bodybuilding exercise that works.