You can perform body workouts for men either at a gym or in your own home. For as long as you do it in the right way, these workout programs could help you a lot in the development of muscles in your body. For aside from building your muscles and giving you a good body shape, it also helps to improve your overall health.

The following is a one-week workout program that you can follow.

Day 1

The first day of your workout would involve mild cardio, as well as abdominal and flexibility exercises. Begin by jogging on your treadmill at home. This will be your warm up exercises in order to prepare your body for a more strenuous exercise, and this must be performed for at least 20 minutes.

As soon as you are done with your warm-up, the next thing that you must do is to perform some stretching exercises and you should be able to work out your chest, back and thigh area. Be sure that you are on the right posture when you do your push-ups and perform it for up to ten times. Standing row exercises can also be done to work out your back muscles, and perform some crunches as well in order to help build your abdominal muscles.

Second Day

Day 2 is considered as your rest day! Yes, that’s right- this day is just for relaxing because this is what your body needs, after all the tiring workout exercises that you’ve done. And while you’re at rest, take time to browse the Internet and research more information about the proper way of doing body workouts for men.

Third Day

This day should be dedicated to working out your shoulders, abdomen and legs, and include some cardiovascular workouts, too. You must focus on making your shoulders strong, beginning with a five pound weight, until you reach ten pounds. You should be able to lift weights for a maximum of ten times in each arm.

Day 4

And just like the second day, this day will be your rest day. So have some rest while practicing deep breathing. And while you are on a relax mode, be sure that you also eat healthy and you must gather more energy to fuel your body for the next day’s exercise.

Fifth Day

This time, you should start lifting weights so as to build your biceps and triceps. Cardiovascular exercises, as well as abdominal workouts should also be part of this day’s workout routine. Examples of exercises that focuses on the biceps are biceps curls, bench presses and dead lifts.

Be careful while performing the lifts and make sure to do it under the supervision of a fitness trainer. Always take some breaks in between in order to relax your muscles. Do not ever attempt to lift heavy weights if you feel that your body cannot handle such, or if you are just doing it for the first time.

The sixth and seventh day is your rest days. So take some relaxation at home. Bear in mind that body workouts for men are so tiring to do, so you should be able to rest your body in order to prepare it for the following week’s workout routine.

Author's Bio: 

You'll find effective workouts and unproductive workouts. Check out exercises to gain muscle for the top 7 exercises. Furthermore, read fastest way to gain muscle for 4 principles you have to adhere if you want to pack on muscle quickly.